Chapter 1|First day, total nightmere

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Okay i can do this, so what if i'll have no friends, i'm sure i can make some even though im not the talkative kind. My mind continuously kept telling me that the purpose of going to school is to study and get an education, so i guess it should be just fine...Or it may not be fine and i mind just end up murdered, stabbed or dead. They're all the same thing really but damn wth am I thinking? Panting heavily and tensing about the thought of not having anyone to talk to in between class or anyone to sit next to at lunch is making me go sane.

I just moved here to London from Chicago in mid-february, so im probably going to be behind in alot of suff which means more stress. Yay!

Breathing in and out i finally master enough courage to step inside the school building. I've always been homeschooled so this is pretty new to me. One thing which was certain was that i'll obviously get lost here. GREAT! JUST GREAT! Another worry to add to my already long list of worries.

Well i've set foot inside the building, now what? I begun to wonder around trying to familiar myself with this place. Well hopefully it won't be so bad but if it is then...Well i can't really do anything about it apart from cry and become depressed. Ugh what am i, a moron? Think positive Ariel. Positive!

Lost in my thought i foolishly bump right into a tall, hot, messy haired boy who seemed to be in a rush judging by the fact that he was running, well embarrassingly enough i fell on the floor on my bottom hurting myself.

"Ouch" i muttered under my breath.
Ugh im such a klutz and out of all the times, it had to be now.

"what's your fucking problem" He yelled

I brought my gaze up to him, only to witness him drenched in his smoothie, staining his uniform

"Uh..i..i'm so sorry..i didn't mean to..." I stuttered but he cut me off

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it, i feel so sorry for the motherfucker who gave fucking birth to you but my 'sorry' aint gonna do shit" he exclaimed in a harsh tone

Now you see im a sensitive bitch so now my eyes started twitching. Trying to fight back my stubborn tears i couldn't help but let a couple escape.

"Ugh i should've known, ur a fucking cry baby! You ruin my clothes, make me late for class and probably earn me a fucking detention too!"

Now my tears were uncontrollably flowing and there's no stopping them now.

"Sorry..sorry" I said almost like a whisper, still sitting on the floor with my hands on my face continuously wiping the waterfalls on my face

Next thing you know i felt a huge splash on my face making me let out a loud gasp. I looked up with my watery eyes and now wet hair to spot a smirk on his face. NO HE DIDN'T!! He just chucked the remaining of his smoothie on me!! What a douchebag!
Knowing me i just carried on weeping.

"LOL you so deserved that, you should've seen your face" He just kept on laughing making me lose all my self-esteem from the very little i already had.

"LEAVE THE DAMN GIRL ALONE" This random hazel eyed boy shouted from a distance as i was still on the floor letting my emotions out.

He dashed towards the bad boy a.k.a messy hair boy who just drenched me and he legit pushed him hard and by hard i mean real hard.

"Why tf did you do that for?" The hazel eyed boy kept repeating that question and pushing him back each time.


At that moment the hazel eyed boy pushed him with practicly all his strength, forcing him to bash into the lockers and lose his balance.

Ouch that got to hurt. The messy haired boy sighed in pain as he kinda landed on his arm. He clenched his fist real tight whilst shooting daggers at the hazel eyed boy.

"YOU!" He screamed as he attacked back and with that both the boys were throwing punches at each other along with some kicks.

"STOPPPP!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but none of them payed any heed to me what so ever and carried on fighting. I even got up trying to get in between them to stop them but the messy haired boy pushed me out of the way. Back onto the floor i started crying again whilst the two kept on fighting. Wow what a great first day!

Some other boys got involved by grabbing both the boys pulling them apart.

"This is not over!" He said in a harsh tone to the hazel eyed boy "And you little bitch will pay" The messy haired boy threatened staring intensly at me.

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT!" The hazel eyed boy shouted back.

"DUDE! YOUR REACTION OVER A FUCKING GIRL IS PRICELESS!" And with that statement he grabbed his bag and stuff which was scattered everywhere and left with a tiny smirk trying to piss the hazel eyed boy off.

The hazel eyed boy sighed with his hands gliding through his face and quietly murmered "fuck my life" but loud enough for me to hear.

He walked over to me and knelt down to be in my field of gaze as i was still on the floor with tears streaming down my cheeks and may i add shaking as well.

"You okay?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

I nodded then asked "Are you?"

"Yeah" He lets out a gasp a moment after he replies.

"'re the new girl here aren't you? Can i..uhh get your name?" He asked me stuttering a bit. Like damn he didn't seem like the kind to stutter.

"Ariel" i answered with a sniff following behind it.

"Nice name, umm how about i take you to the office so you can get your time table and other stuff, considering the fact that you don't know your way around here." He suggested in a really smooth tone and i mean really smooth. Alomost like he's trying to comfort me.

"Yeah..okay" i wiped the remaining of my tears as he handed me my bag, which i could've got myself. He then extended his hand to me gesturing me to take it to help me up ofcourse. Being plain old me, I ignored his extended hand and got up on my own. I did spot a little frown but nothing more.

"Lets go" He said ever so smoothly, as he reverted his hand. I nodded and followed behind him. There were no students roaming around the school building as everyone was in class which meant that we walked in awkward silence until we reached the office. FINALLY! I screamed in my head

"Here we go in, i'll wait outside" He said

"Aren't you...uhh..kinda late for class?" I questioned.

"Yeah..but i've been late a couple times now. What harm can one more lateness possibly do?" He claimed. I nodded and stepped inside the office and once i recieved my time table, text books and other stuff, i stepped back out, only to see jake sitting down on the floor leaning onto a wall with his hands on his face.

"Uhh..Jake" At the sound of my voice he lowers his hands and stands up.

"I'll take you to your class" He tells me without giving me an option to decide. Not that i'd say no.

"You've got chemistry first lesson, follow me" He says glancing at my time table. i nod and toddle behind him. Why's he being so nice? He really doesn't need to do what he's doing. He's actually a pretty sweet guy, if i have to say so myself.

"Here we are...okay im going to my class now" And with that said he leaves not even waiting for me to respond.

"Alright then, leave" I mutter under my breath.

I knock on the door and wait patiently to be granted permission to enter. Once i recieved it, i entered.

I let out a loud gasp as my heart continously threatened to give me a heart attack.

"Shit" i mouthed without making a sound.

Who would've thought that my day could get any worse. Well to be frank, it just did.

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