Chapter 3|inches away

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God damn it. I should've thought this through. Walking on my own made my heart race specially when the corridors were deserted af, taking each step uneasily as a feeling of being watched approaches me.

Right on cue the bell rings making me sigh in relief. Thank God! Atleast i won't be so uncomfortable and maybe i can ask someone to help me find my way to my next class.

Forget what i just said, i spoke too soon. Herds of screaming teenage boys and girls crowded the corridors. This girl who I assume is a slut, judging from the fact that she is practically naked and is swaying her butt abnormally as she toddles, shoulder bumped me forcing me to lose my balance. Now, i didn't fall on my butt again, hehe...Well thats a pro but sadly cons are always present.

There wasn't an ounce of space enough for me to be chilling on the concrete floor. (Mins the sarcasm)

My foot swung  across the floor and ended up landing on SOMEONE ELSES SHOE!! Luckily i was wearing a pair of Nike trainers, i don't think i hurt the person too much even tho i stepped on him pretty hard, i mean come on, if i wore a pair of 5 inch heels like that slutty girl, then his foot would probably be dislocated by now.

"Yooooooo! You freaking ruined my shoes"

"Yeah, yeah you could always buy a new pair, no harm done" i say rolling my eyes without bothering to look up to witness this human because for all i know, i'd most certainly never be talking to him again.

"You did not just say that!" He says, slamming me onto a wall, pressing his chest on mine, whilst locking me by resting his hands on the wall on either side me.

"I did" i say with a smirk on my face staring directly into his eyes, challengig him to say somehing.

Buy dayyyyym he looks fineeee. Thats an understatement. His greenish brown eyes are so mesmerizing anyone, includimg me can easily be lost in them. I honestly wouldn't mind though, i can stare at them forever. It's so beautiful.

He clicks his finger across my face, snaping me back to reality. OMG i was dosing off staring intensly into his eyes. Sheeeeesh, whats gotten into me. But he's eyes are like the gardens of heaven. SHUT UP ARIEL! But he...SHUT UPP!!

"I see you're falling for my eyes, nah you're falling for me" he say whilst grinning and a wink following it.

haha as if, well maybe but he doesn't have to know.

"Ugh no way! Never nada" lies, lies, lies. I loveeeeee them but it gotta take more than that to make me admit it.

"You sure babygirl, come on loosen up a bit." he says whilst giving me a cheeky smile.

I just want to pinch his rosy cheeks.

"Nah, they look like expired seaweed" i say flashing him a sarcastic smile.

I know you all are seeing a new side of me but trust me when i say that you're not the only one. I'm with you on this one because i have no freaking clue of what the hell is up with me.

"Mmhm, you know what your eyes look like?" He whispers in his best dreamy voice.

"What?" I whisper with a blush following behind.

"Some skanky shit!" He says harshly and breaks into laughter, instantly the smile on my face disappears.

"Ha! Say that to yourself!" I say trying to hide the embarrasment from earlier. That actually hurt a bit.

"Your lips look awful" I fire back in a panicked state, obviously i'm lying and he knows it too. Guess my mouth just doesn't spit the truth.

"Hmm, you love observing me huh? Tell me babygirl what do you exactly mean by awful?" He says only inches away from my face. I can tell you one thing! If one of us moves an inch closer then we're basically in contact.

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