Chapter 9

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A/N: If you want me to add anything to this book like a creature, a plot or a scene please tell me in the comments!


A deep ugly cut ran from his knee to halfway down his let. The edges were going black and gooey puss was leaking out of the wound. Finn gulped. He couldn't hide this one.

"How do you call this not bad?!" Heather gagged.

"It's not that bad!" he protested, then hesitated. "Is it?"

"Look, I don't have enough strength to heal you yet," she rummaged through the kit and pulled out a small container of pills, "so I'll try later and give you some painkillers now." 

'Herald's painkillers' was printed on the front of the container in Hyswæn. Heather shook two pills onto her hand and handed one to Finn. He popped it in his mouth and grimaced.

"Eahg! Disgusting!" he placed his hand over his mouth to keep himself from throwing up the pill. Heather chuckled quietly. She popped hers in her mouth and immediately realised why Finn was so disgusted.

"Ewww!" she almost puked. "Yuck!" The yuckiness was worth it though. All the pain she was feeling vanished, including her nausea! Suddenly she felt her stomach growl.'

"Can we get some food?" She clutched her screaming stomach. "My tummy is communicating with me..." Finn chuckled. He too was feeling better after his painkillers.

"I heard!" he laughed.

Was it seriously that loud? she wondered.

"Yes," he snorted.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes," he repeated, standing up and limping through the tall trees. She walked alongside him until they came to a bush with purple berries dotted all over it.

"Finally!" Finn rushed over to the bush began to collect the berries, bundling them up in his jumper. She collected them as well, not wondering for a moment if they were poisonous.

Heather popped one in her mouth. The juices of the berry squirted all over her tongue. The berry had a sweet acidic flavour. "Yum!" she exclaimed, devouring more of the delicious berries.

They sat on the forest floor and ate until there were only a few berries left and their stomachs were full.

"That was good," Finn patted his belly, shoved the remaining berries into his pockets, lay back on the ground and stared at the canopy above.

"I reckon I have enough strength to heal you now!" she said and he gave her a confused look. "Your leg." 

"Oh," Finn realised what she meant and pulled up his pant leg, showing the ugly wound beneath. She winced at the sight and traced the wound with her finger expecting it to heal. It didn't. She tried again, concentrating harder. Nothing happened.

"What?" she looked at her hands, confused. "It's not working."

"Try when I'm in my wolf form," he suggested.


Finn sat there for a moment. She saw the concentration written on his face. After a minute, still nothing can happen. He shrugged. "I can't shapeshift..."

Heather frowned as a berry fell from Finn's pocket. She picked it up and examined it. There were some yellow dots in a ring around the top of the berry.

"Oh no!" she gasped. "These are Molgrath berries!" Finn looked puzzled.

"And that means...?" he questioned.

"It means that the berries we just ate remove all magical abilities," Heather sighed and put her head in her hands, "including shapeshifting! There is only one way to have your powers to return to you." 

"And what's that?"

"To give the remaining berries to someone else with magic," she answered, shuddering.

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