Chapter 11

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Again I am extremely sorry for not updating in such a long time but I'd just like to thank all you guy for over 200 reads! Thank you guys so much! You don't know how much it means to me! I dedicate this chapter to DragonPower05 who has encouraged me to keep writing in every spare time I have! If you have time please swing me a vote or a follow! Thanks so much!

Finn and Heather walked side by side as miserable as ever. They trudged through the wet wilderness, completely and utterly magicless. 

Heather suddenly heard a squelching noise.

"Aww crap!" Finn exclaimed, looking down at his leg. He was knee-deep in a fresh pile of dung.

"Ewww..." Heather covered her mouth, more than slightly disgusted. Finn pulled his leg out of the pile his pant leg covered in greenish brown sticky goop. He stood frozen for a second, eyes wide.

"DRAGON DUNG!" Finn yelled, and started to sprint, dragging her with him. Heather stumbled alongside him, surprised.


A thundering screech from above confirmed Finn's worst fears. A huge white creature swooped across the sky above them. It had gigantic, beating wings and so many spikes it was impossible to count them. Intelligent eyes seemed to pierce into its victims.

They ran as fast as they could, away from the armoured dragon as it sailed across the sky, a graceful murderer flitting among the clouds on a bloodthirsty hunt. 

Stop running away, a rumbling voice complained in Heather's head. What is your problem?!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Heather screamed at mentally, terrified.

I don't want any trouble, it snapped. Oh gosh... JUST STOP RUNNING, WILL YOU!?

The words bounced around her skull and finally settled in her mind. She came to an abrupt stop. Finn skidded across the dirt and then circled back.

"What are you doing?!" he asked frantically. His face was pale, his eyes huge. "There is a dragon on the hunt flying above us!"

"It's okay," Heather explained calmly. "He spoke to me through my mind. He doesn't want any trouble!"

They waited as the great scaled beast landed ahead of them. As it landed dirt flew up in clouds around it and they were blown over by a gust of dusty wind. Heather picked herself up, coughing and spluttering. They dusted themselves off before turning to the dragon.

Heather walked up to it slowly. She didn't know why, but she was gonna do the 'Hiccup method' from 'How To Train Your Dragon,' a show from Earth that Heather adored. 

She went up to the dragon, turned her head away, stuck out her right hand and-

"What are you doing?" boomed a voice. The dragon was staring at, its head cocked to the side quizzically. She heard Finn snicker behind her and withdrew her hand.

"Err," she began, blushing uncontrollably, "n-nothing. Nothing at all." 

"Oh. Okay," the dragon chuckled, then fixated its pulsating eyes on them. "Well, little humans... What're your names?"

"Heather-" Heather gestured to herself- "and this is Finn. He's my friend and he's taking me to my parents." She paused for a moment to let that sink in. "You?"

"Phil," the enormous beast replied. "My name is Phil."

* * *

It had begun to get dark. Finn and Heather huddled around a warm fire, Phil looming above them, a marbled ghost in the shadows. Heather was explaining to him who they were running from and why, and what they were running to.

"So this evil aunt and uncle of yours are trying to steal your power?" Phil inquired.

"According to Finn, yes," she answered, nibbling on some meat. "But I just lost all of it and I don't know how I'm going to get it back!" 

A snapping twig's sound echoed out from the woods. They all spun around, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead. 

Heather grabbed her bow and arrows and loaded her weapon, warily watching the silent forest. Finn held a rather deadly looking knife with serrated edges and crouched down, alert. Phil looked like he was ready to protect them with his life, wings spread and teeth bared.

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