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Tyler's POV

I hold on to Josh's hand with my free one, the other hand holding the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, that Josh had bought for me. I look up to him, his yellow tufts of hair flowing as the wind hits it. His silver nose ring shining on his adorably somewhat crooked nose.

"You okay, baby doll?" The pale boy asks, looking down at me with his caramel eyes.

I nod, "Yes, Jish." I answer as I advert my gaze back down to the sidewalk. We enter in the ice cream shop, 'Baskin Robins', Joshua walking in behind me and resting his hand on the small of my back.

"Alright, mon chéri, what do you want?" I feel my cheeks grow red at the pet name, my eyelashes fluttering as I look up to the menu.

"I think I'll jus' have three scoops of rainbow sherbet on a waffle cone, please." I say, looking up to him. The yellow hue nods, going up to the cashier as he pulls out his wallet.

"I'll have two waffle cones, one with rainbow sherbet and the other with chocolate please."

He pays it with cash, saying a 'thank you' as he takes the two cones and handing one to me.

I put the book in my arm as I take the ice cream cone, licking it and smiling. "Thank you, Joshie."
I say as we walk to a small table, sitting down in little blue stools across from each other.

"No problem, Ty." Joshua says with a smile, taking a spoon and scooping a bite of the chocolate ice cream and putting it into his mouth.

I giggle softly, tilting my head as I watch him, "You can just lick it, Joshie." I say as I smile.

He shrugs, chuckling, "I don't want to make too much of a mess." I nod, licking the ice cream as I look around.

I finish my ice cream rather quickly, chewing the last of my waffle cone before licking my lips and along my fingers.

"Baby, your fingers are gonna be sticky. Let's go wash our hands, okay?" Josh says, finishing his own cone.

I nod, standing up from my stool and picking up the napkins to throw away. I crumple them up in my hands and drop them in the garbage can before walking over to the bathroom with Joshua.
We both step in, going over to the sinks and began to lather our hands with soap, washing them and rinsing.

Walking out of the shop, we both swing our hands together. "Thank you again, Joshie. I love you so very much." I say before leaning over and gently kissing his stubbly cheek.

The older boy smiles, taking his hand out of mine to wrap his whole arm around my waist and kissing my head, "Of course, baby boy. I love you so very much too."



also Jish is older than Tyjo but by a couple months but they're still in the same grade ok ok

Also mon chéri means
'My Darling' or 'Honey'

XX Ty - guy

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