My Illegal Love

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My illegal love is like no other,
We've tried but can't let go of each other.

He is an extremely special person that I hold close to my heart,
No law or person will ever tear our love apart.

We must keep our love a secret, hidden from any other,
Out of fear that someone will take it away forever.

My heart tells me that it's got to be you,
My brain tells me it's wrong but to believe its true.

But still rules are rules and the law is the law,
Hopefully one day time will tell it all.

It will tell why we feel the way we do,
Why I can't stand the thought of me not being with you.

Though together or apart I will always support and love you,
Being with you just gives me more of the ability to.

But the law won't let me, won't let you, won't let us,
I can't wait for the future when this isn't...

My Illegal Love...              


HEYYY!!!😊 I know that it's been awhile but I had to finish school. But it's summer now so expect a lot more frequent updates. I hope that you enjoy this poem as much as I do. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. Please vote and comment, it would really mean a lot to me. Oh please follow me too. Well that's all I have to say. Till next time!!

Bye My Sexy Unicorns!!!💖💖💖😊

PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora