My Little Beauty

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Dear my broken hearted beauty,

There is no reason to cry.

I know you say that you're alright,

But I also know that that's a lie.

My little broken hearted beauty,

I know you feel empty inside.

I know you want to scream and curse,

I know you want to die.

Oh my broken hearted beauty,

Why can't you see the light that I see in you?

That to have your love is more rich then gold,

That your heart is beautiful and true.

My special little beauty,

I don't want you to be broken anymore.

The way you look at the world in your eyes,

Is something I adore.

Oh my beautiful little beauty,

You're perfect beyond compare.

To every little thing you do,

Even the way you tie your hair.

My kind and caring beauty,

Your big heart cares for all.

You pick anyone up when they are down,

Even if you stumble and fall.

Oh my brave little beauty,

I'm so grateful you're here and moving along.

You've been through so much already,

I don't know how you are so strong.

My creative little beauty,

You have such a beautiful mind.

Your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams are so perfect,

The words you speak to others are so kind.

Oh my intelligent little beauty,

You're way smarter than you think.

You think so fast that i could miss something,

If i were to blink.

My silly little beauty,

Your laugh always makes me smile.

Your tiny jokes and funny words,

Make me as happy as a child.

Oh my incredible little beauty,

You're too important to lose.

This world needs you and so do I,

You and your love is what I choose.

So don't you see my little beauty?

To me, you mean the world.

Now would you please make me happy forever,

And please be my girl?


HEYYYY GUYSSSS!!!!! Sorry I've been gonna for a while, been busy with school and there's a lot going on. I hope you all had a merry chritmas and happy Hanukkah and have a happy New years!!! I will be posting a lot more I promise. I've got some poems lined up for you guys so expect another update soon!!! Love you all!!! Please vote, comment, follow, and share!! Byeee💟💟😘😘

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