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I shut my eyes, silently hoping he would oblige. I felt the bed creak as he laid beside me.

"Subaru?" I opened my eyes. He was holding me, touching the scars on my arms and face. It wasn't a warm embrace, but the touch of someone who was hurting. I reached over and touched his pale, cold cheek. I wiped his tears as away. He opened his eyes. Beautiful red eyes. Red like blood. He gave me a strange look and leaned into my neck.

"Thank you." He kissed my neck and then bit it. I felt the pain again. It melted away as he held me. I ran my hands through his hair, the white strands wrapping around my fingers. He gasped and pulled away. "It's so good." He leaned in again, a sucking noise resonating through the room. I really hadn't expected him to be the sensitive type.


Subaru disappeared about an hour later. I sat up immediately and walked to the dresser. I grabbed my dagger and rolled up my sleeve. Plunging the tip into my forearm, I dragged it across.

"Hmmm? What's that smell?" Fedora ginger was back. From what I could tell, his name's Laito.

"It does smell nice, doesn't it Teddy?" Kanato was still carrying his bear.

I sat down and raised my arm. The blood ran down it and dripped onto my knees. Laito appeared beside me and grabbed my wrist. He lowered his face to my bloody arm. Kanato appeared beside him and held my hand. They lapped up the blood.

"Your blood is..." Laito gasped

"So good!" Kanato slurped the deep red liquid from my skin. I stayed still as Kanato pulled aside my hoodie. He bit into my skin, drinking my blood. Laito grabbed my leg and bit my calf. He had a certain hunger in his eyes that made me want him to hurt me. I pushed his head into my leg and watched his eyes widen with surprise. I smirked at him. Kanato finished up and disappeared, a strange smile on his face.

"Make me hurt." Laito withdrew his fangs from my skin and lapped up the remaining blood. He crawled onto my lap and shoved the chair over, knocking us to the floor. The breath had been knocked out of me. I was wheezing when he pushed my head up. He put a hand over my mouth and bit into my neck. With his other hand, he reached for my breast. He grabbed it and began to rub it. I growled into the hand on my mouth and slapped the other from my breast. "Make it hurt!" He bit harder, and I felt pain flood through my body.

I was fading.

He shoved a cloth into my mouth, muffling the choking noises I made. 


He bit even deeper. His fangs shredded my neck as he feasted with a newfound ferocity. I began to choke on blood, the metallic liquid flowing from my mouth.

It hurts-

He pulled away and grinned at me.

"Nufufu~ I love your taste. It's new and unusual. A good change." He leaned in to lick the rest of the blood from my neck. I can't...


"Liu, come on!"

"Liu! Please wake up. You only just got here."

"Liu. I'm sorry."


"Liu should wake up soon, right teddy?"

"You're the only relatable one here, Liu."



Voices filled my head. They sounded familiar. I was still choking on my blood. I felt careful fingers probe the wound on my neck.

"Hrmm. It's pretty deep. Maybe this will-" The voice stopped as I sat up. I instantly noticed a
hellish pain.

"Liu." Reiji was beside me, his fingers covered in my blood. "Liu, can you hear me?" My vision faded, and I slumped back onto the table.


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