How TLOS 6 Should Go

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. The first sentence of this is from Chris Colfer's An Author's Odyssey (but no one probably cares ).
The sentence when Robin says "IS SHE THE SORCERESS TO YOUR SORCERER?" is taken from Peacheslove88.

A/N: There might be some fourth wall breaking here... and some shameless self referring. Beware. Characters may be OOC.


"Alex... what's happened to you?"

Bree nudged Emmerich. "Your cue." she hissed to the boy.

"Actually Alex was cursed by a special dust that basically makes her evil and unable to feel love," Emmerich replied immediately. "I heard the witches discussing it when I was kidnapped."

"Can it be reversed?" Conner asked frantically.

"I don't think so. The witches said nothing could stop her. And I think they also used the dust to curse the Sorceress or whatever-"

"You mean the Enchantress Ezmia?"

Upon hearing Ezmia's name, everyone who knew about her audibly gasped in horror.

Emmerich thought about it. "Yeah... I guess..."

"What happens now?" Conner buried his head in his hands desperately. "If Alex becomes like Ezmia, who knows what else she would do! She can have the power to destroy the whole city! We need to stop her!"

Conner stood up determinedly and faced the group of characters he had recruited. "Okay, what we need now is to defend ourselves! Gather an army! We have a flying pirate ship, a blimp, a team of superheros-"

"Pardon me from interrupting," Bree said from the side, arms crossed. "But how are you going to fight a powerful evil fairy who can probably outpower all of us combined?"

"Well do you have a better plan?" Conner asked sarcastically, who was very agitated at that moment.

"Actually I do," Bree responded calmly. "Do you have the thing that can allow us to travel into books?"

"The potion? It's with Alex."

Bree put her chin in her hand. "This complicates things only a tiny little bit. So you can take things out of the books, yeah? And you can write whatever you want in a book. So," she paused for dramatic effect and looked up, eyes glittering. "We create an ultimate weapon, put in a book, use the potion, get the weapon and save the world."

There was total silence as everyone stared at Bree, who laid calmly against the wall as if saving the world was something she did on a daily basis.

Before anyone could interrupt, Bree continued, "Even if we don't have the potion, the potion can seep through paper, so we just need to put the new story with the weapon under my story Cemetery of the Undead so the potion can seep through my story and to the new story. It should work. In theory, that is." She said quickly yet clearly without batting an eyelid.

Conner's eyes slowly widened. "You're. A. Genius."

"Thanks." Bree replied quickly. "Shall we get started?"

There was silence for another three seconds before Conner belted, "I need a piece of paper and a pen! Quick!" The story characters scurried around the room to find what he needed. Meanwhile, Bree fetched the binder, which was lying on the floor.

"Wait, what's a pen?" Red asked, confused and all the story characters froze.

Conner groaned. Sometimes he forgot they lived in different timelines. "Emmerich, please get me a pen."

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