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"Take care of yourself, Olivia Benson" were his last words before he walked out the door. Ed Tucker was never really great in relationships but he thought Olivia was the one. He too was alone, ...left in his dreams of retiring. Retiring without a family; a son;...he didnt even have a wife and he was nearing 60.

Tears were streaming down Olivia's cheeks. She tried so hard to keep this relationship stable. But with her job, and Ed wanting to retire was too much with Noah as her 1st and most important priority. Her job was her life. She tried to stay strong infront of Noah. And that is what she needed to do. She wiped her tears and turned around to see her sweet little boy playing with his toys. "Hey my sweet boy" she cooed and picked her son up. "Ready for a bath?" She kissed his chubby cheeks and he gleamed.

After Noah was settled in bed after it seemed like dozens of bedtime stories later, Olivia sat on he couch nursing some wine and replaying the the long day in her head. Her job was chaotic at times...maybe I'm getting too old for the job, she thought. Maybe Tucker was right to think about retiring. ...don't be stupid. SVU is your life, you can't do that to the victims.


4th of July weekend was nearing and Olivia was finally going to get some much needed time off. She planned to go to the beach with Noah and play with sparklers until it gets dark. Since Fireworks are illegal in New York, sparklers and Pop-Its were gonna have to do.
"Momma" Noah squealed, attempting to pick his yogurt up with his hands. "Noah! No playing with your food!" She raised her voice slightly which caused the little boy's smile to fade and turn into sad whimpers.
"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry...Mommy didn't mean to get mad" she genuinely felt her heart break as her son cried painful sobs. "Baby, you have to put the yogurt in your mouth. It's not a toy" she kissed her son's tears dry. He slowly obeyed with a pouty lip. "That's my good boy!!" Olivia beamed.
He finished up his yogurt and she lifted him up from his chair and put his little tennis shoes on.
"Swing mama, swing?" He asked in his little cute toddler voice.
"Yes baby!!! We're going to the park!" She picked him up and buckled him into his car seat.
She drove to the park and pushed Noah on the swing for awhile but her mind seemed to be drifting away.
She couldn't stop thinking of the break up. She's always pushed everyone away. No one can seem to stick.
She was brought back to reality when a soccer ball rolled down to her feet. She paused from swinging Noah and bent down to retrieve the ball to roll it back to the child that lost it. She looked up to the child and froze.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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