A fumble

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When you choose to stand still on the very ground you chose to rise over,
Is it not easier to just step down a bit,
Than being patient and waiting for the right moment to take the leap?
From the dungeons of failures and marshes of sorrows ,
Is it not simpler to think of a lighted road to home than searching for a new path amidst the gloomy woods?

The way back has comfort of a place I knew, I cherished, I survived.
The path ahead might just lead to a broken promise
Of the velvety riches which may not even exist.

Why then can't I choose an easy way down?
Why do my feet fumble over the pavement that takes me back?
Why do I fight my retrograde stars?
Perhaps it's my heart that fights my logic
My pride that gods my shattered will

It's my remnant strength that helps me gather enough courage for me to stand up again
And recollect what remains of me
What had been me
Moulds me to change my ways
As I cling to keep my heart
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