7. Relationships

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—You love me! Admit it, asshole! — Chris shoved Victor by his shoulder playfully

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—You love me! Admit it, asshole! — Chris shoved Victor by his shoulder playfully. The Russian had just ended a video call with Yuuri, and the Swiss wasn't shutting up about it.

—You goddamn know I do! For how long are you going to keep rubbing it on my face? — Victor laughed, feeling quite relaxed and content after talking with the Japanese.

Of course, Chris had been the main reason for meeting Yuuri but now it was getting out of hand. No, he wasn't mad about it, he found it very funny that the Swiss couldn't just accept a simple 'Thank you'.

—For as long as I feel like it. You gave me hell, now it's my turn. —

Victor stopped laughing when a devious smirk formed on his friend's lips, he gulped audibly and averted his eyes. Oh man, if this was payback, he didn't want to be Victor Nikiforov right now. Was moving to Japan right now a possibility? He groaned and looked at his friend laughing at his expense once more.

—Deal with it! — Chris signalled, before turning to exit Victor's room feeling quite satisfied with himself. Cupid had nothing on him, only Phichit could be compared to the great Giacometti right now.

Left behind with a dumb smile on his face, Victor turned his sight back to his computer, where he was met with his screensaver, a beautiful picture of Yuuri and him. Phichit had insisted so much on taking it and against the Russian wishes, it just happened, thought now he was thankful for the occasion.

The moment had aroused in the airport, where everyone was saying goodbye to Yuuri and giving them hell because Victor wouldn't let go of his hand. Three weeks had been enough to know that this teen had unconsciously built his nest in the Russian's heart, it was quite noticeable, maybe not for Victor himself but everyone around him could tell that something had changed.

A switch in the man's brain had been flipped, feelings that had been dormant had surfaced again and even now, looking at a simple screensaver he felt that he could rule the world. The photo showed Yuuri and himself, standing side by side while holding each other's pinky, that gesture was almost unseen by the camera but the Japanese's blush was such a giveaway.

A small flash coming from his phone captured Victor's attention, taking the device in his hand from where it had been resting next to the laptop charger on his desk. His eyes came to life at that moment, it was Yuuri and the text was nothing but a simple a number.

To anyone, it could be meaningless but to the Russian, it meant the world. Yuuri was counting down the days for his next trip to Russia, completely sponsored by Victor. He wasn't rich but he could afford to spare that kind of money and even more if it meant seeing the Japanese on Christmas.

 He wasn't rich but he could afford to spare that kind of money and even more if it meant seeing the Japanese on Christmas

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—You are rich. — Otabek and Yuri signalled at Victor from their position on the couch across the tea table of the Kazakh's apartment.

—He is, he doesn't admit it though. — Chris signalled, making his boyfriend, Matsumi, laugh at the Russian's annoyed expression. This debate had been going forever and, as amusing as it was, Dr Yoshida couldn't quite comprehend why would someone try and hide it or maybe the Russian had been born in a wealthy family so he really didn't see any difference between a normal life and his.

—Whatever guys. I'm not but if you believe that then fine, I'm rich if that'll make all of you happy enough to let me be! — Victor signalled at his friends a tad annoyed now.

Yurio scoffed —Not one soul in this room can afford those plane tickets you bought for Yuuri, you asshole! You are goddamn rich! — The blonde teen was about to explode right there and then. It was incredible how stupid could Victor be! Ranting on and about for so many years of how miserable he was when he had the world at his feet.

Otabek smirked at Victor —Well then, if you won't admit being rich then at least admit you are in love with Yuuri Katsuki and all thanks to Chris and Phichit. —

To everyone's surprise, the silver-haired man lifted his hips slightly to pull out his wallet from his jean's back pocket. Opening it to take out several credit and debit cards, tossing them carelessly over the tea table. —I'm fucking rich! — No one was going to tell him how he felt, he at least had that going for himself. He would go by his own time and tempo.

Yuuri on the other hand, all the way over in Japan, couldn't and wouldn't shut up about Victor

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Yuuri on the other hand, all the way over in Japan, couldn't and wouldn't shut up about Victor. Yuko gladly allowed his friend to express himself as much as he wanted about what seemed to be the perfect guy, or so it seemed from what his black-haired friend described.

Being a very shy person the Japanese boy couldn't believe himself really, even Takeshi -Yuko's boyfriend- had pointed out how much travelling to Russia had changed him. Everyone in Yuuri"s life wanted to thank Victor for making such an impression on the teenage boy, for the best.

— What I can't believe, Yuuri is that he is paying everything for you to go back to Russia on Christmas! — Yuko signalled at his friend, letting out a sigh at how romantic everything was. Huffing, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to her boyfriend sitting next to her. That damned boy better step up his game!

—I didn't want to accept it all at first but... I really want to see him again — Yuuri blushed furiously at the reminder of such good times with the older man back in Russia, he wanted to fast forward time, to close his eyes and wake up back in that fabulous country that had led the Japanese to that amazing man.

Everything was just like a beautiful dream from which Yuuri never wanted to wake up.

Everything was just like a beautiful dream from which Yuuri never wanted to wake up

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Writer's notes:

I adore blushing Yuuri, can you tell? hahaha, I simply love him. Anyway, the story is picking up, I promise! 

As usual, comments and votes are always very much appreciated!

See you next chapter.

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