The beginning of the end

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You looked and saw yourself in the mirror. You were dressed in his favorite colors, a yellow and black cocktail dress with black heels and black lipstick. Your hair fell on your shoulders in soft waves. You looked sexy as hell. A honk from outside broke your focus and pulled you to the window to see that your boyfriend had just pulled up in his black mustang. You hurried down the stairs in excitement to see him, out the door, and into his car.

"Th'up babe. ...damn, you look hot." He smirked, looking you up and down. He leaned over and kissed you hard, pushing his tongue into your mouth and squeezing your ass.

As he parted the kiss you blushed and readjusted your dress and hair, along with buckling the seat belt.

He sped off down the road going god knows where. It was your 6 month anniversary and Sollux was surprising you by taking you out somewhere. You were hoping it was to that one really fancy place you drove by once, but the attire he picked out for you didn't exactly match that setting.

The place the pulled up to..some sort of club? You were hoping it wasn't a strip club and got out of the car, sighing and looking down. He didn't seem to notice though and pulled you inside, through the crowd of dancing people, and straight to the bar where a girl with an eyepatch was eyeing Sollux. The both of you took a seat and he ordered a few shots of tequila. You hated the stuff so you didn't touch it. Pretty soon he was drunk and that's when the spider girl (or at least she reminded you of them) saw her chance and sat next to him, crossing her legs and putting her elbow on the bar. "Heeeeeeeey sexy. Haven't seen you in awhile. Was this little girl keeping you from me?" "No Vris, I've just been busy with th'tuff.." he slurred. "Aw, well then I think it's time we caught up, don't you think?" She smirked. She then got up and sat in Sollux's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him aggressively. That was it. You couldn't stand watching this.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! He has a girlfriend! ME!" you yelled. Multiple people turned around to watch.

"Get lost shrimp. Sollux here wants a real woman, don't you babe?" Vriska snorted back. "Just go home _____, we'll talk later" he said without care! his eyes still on the girl.

You had gotten up and started leaving before he could even finish his sentence. Tears were welling up in your eyes and your vision was blurred so it was just a mess of colors and shapes and careless people dancing the night away. You practically ran out of the door, out of the parking lot, and across the street, not even caring if there were cars passing by. Numerous honks invaded your ears from the cars that went by which only added to the amount of tears and your vision became even worse. You took a backstreet and stumbled into the street. You turned and bright lights filled your vision.

Before you could feel the impact of death though, you were tackled to the ground and out of the way by a large figure. He pulled you up and you wiped your tears away. His friend then came forward with a look of worry and anger mixed together. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! DIDNT YOUR PARENTS EVER TEACH YOU TO LOOK BOTH WAYS?! I MEAN, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU- ...wait, stop crying! I didn't mean it like that..." You put a hand to your face and felt the tears heavily streaming down. He pulled you into a tight embrace suddenly and once your shock resided, you shakily hugged him back. "You should be more careful..we don't want a beautiful girl like you dying on us now do we?"

Gamzee he the one?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon