Morning, asshole.

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You awoke suddenly as the boy plopped down on a couch throwing his head back, and almost instantly falling asleep. You couldn't move, as he still had a tight grip on you and held you to his chest. It was warm and comforting, but he had a weird smell to him that you couldn't quite put your finger on. Your eyes closed once More and you yawned softly, like a small child. It had been a very long day and you couldn't wait for it to be over. As your eyes opened a blanket was thrown over you.

"You and that fuckass need to get some sleep. You guys look like you're going to pass out wherever so just stay on the fucking couch. I'll see you assholes in the morning. ....and uh..sleep well _____" he said.

You shut your eyes one last time, smiling at the fact that there were finally people who truly cared about you. Someone kissed your forehead, but you were too tired to see who it was and drifted off to sleep, thinking about the one boy you couldn't stop thinking about... ....Karkat.




. The smell of something cooking awoke you from your sleep and you stretched your arms, letting your eyes flutter open. You looked around, confused as to your current setting, then felt a sudden rush of grief as you remembered the previous night. Standing up, you let your nose lead the way to the delicious smell, only to find the boy who carried you last nigh cooking away on the stove in the kitchen. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but black jeans and a pink frilly apron. He was toned and his greasy flack hair fell around his eyes...damn, he was HOT.

"SeE aNyThInG yOu LiKe SiS?" His abruptness broke your train of thought and you blushed brightly at his remark, quickly averting your eyes. "N-no! I was just-"

"HeY cAlM dOwN, i'M oNlY fUcKiNg WiTh YoU _____. AnYwAy, BrEaKfAsT iS dOnE, lEtS gEt OuR mOtHeRfUcKiNg EaT oN!"


Bleh. I'm tired. The chapter will be longer tomorrow and there will be cute scenes.

I love you guys! Don't forget to vote, leave comments, and follow!

Honk :o)

-Author out-

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