Where in the world?

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I woke to a room filled with flowers. Where the heck am I? I looked around and couldn't see a thing. Everything was blurry.. What happened? Why am I so sore, and why does my face hurt? How long had I been here? Then everything hit me. Asia, and that lying toad of a friend. Michael. I Cringed at the thought of him and her together. Was she the reason I was in here?.... What ever this place was. I was in the middle of deep thought , when a lady in a white nurse dress came up to me. 

"Hello, I'm Susan... I see you have finally awaken" She said in a rusty tone. I looked at her and stared. Who was this lady? And why the heck am I here?! I opened my mouth to say something, but groaned as pain shot up my throat. She chuckled and I looked at her raising my eyebrow. "I bet you are wondering why you are here...aren't you?" She said smiling down at me. I nodded and she laughed. "Well, You took a blow in the face... and your pregnant... " She shook her head in amusement. "Guess, you learned huh?" She said smirking evilly. I almost want to slap her right then and there! ..I looked at her hard and then cringed. This lady...looked familiar.... She almost looked like.... Oh this couldn't be!!! "ASIA?!" I managed to say through a soft crackly voice.

She smiled and took off her clothing revealing the clothes she had under. "That's right Kay....Couldn't stay away could you?!" She said yelling at me and giving me an evil look. She smiled taking a needle out of her pocket and stuck it in me.  I screamed and kicked but nothing worked.... she had done it...she had finally won.....but there was one question that lingered.....Where was Michael?

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