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After Stiles called Scott, he came to the abandoned train station along with the whole pack. Tegan wasn't able to move. She was malnourished, scrawny, tired, and hurt- physically and emotionally.

Stiles called his dad and he showed up with an ambulance. Somehow the news also managed to find their way here.

Cameras were flashing and people were being loud, trying to speak over each other, so many questions- it was making Stiles really upset.

He climbed into the ambulance alongside Tegan. At least in here some of the noise was blocked out.

Stiles constantly checked Tegan's pulse. She was literally on the brink of death.

It had been a few days since Tegan arrived at the hospital. Stiles hadn't left her side. He wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up.

The doctors had to put her in an induced coma for a little bit since she had some internal bleeding. But thankfully it was stopped and now Stiles was just waiting for Tegan to wake up.

Stiles hadn't been getting much sleep at the hospital. I mean he was sleeping in a chair.


I was just falling asleep when I heard the door creak open.

I was so tired I didn't even bother to lift my head up and open my eyes to see who it was.

I felt a hand pat my shoulder.

I slowly- and very reluctantly- opened an eye to see my dad standing over me.

"Son, it's time to go home. You've been here for three days. It's time to come home and get some decent sleep." He said trying to pull me up.

"No I have to stay here in case-" I paused forgetting her name. "she wakes up." I said drowsily.

My dad rolled his eyes. "Yep let's go." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

I fell asleep in my dad's car and he literally had to drag me out and upstairs to my room.

As soon as my head hit the bed I was out.


I sat there, motionless.

I must've been in a coma because I couldn't open my eyes or move my toes or hands.

"Hey Tegan, I'm just gonna check your vitals okay?" Someone said taking my arm.

I tried to nod my head or say something but I couldn't move.

It kind of freaked me out a little.

"Where's Stiles?" I half spoke. My throats was killing me.

"What was that?" Melissa asked.

I very slowly opened my eyes. "W-Where's Stiles?" I asked again, my throats going dry.

"Here's some water. Stiles went home. He's been right by your side for three whole days. Sheriff told him it was time to go home. I can call him if you'd like-" She offered, but I cut her off.

"No no. I don't want to wake him up." I said a little sad that he wasn't here.

There was a small silence as Melissa watched me with a look full of compassion.

"I don't need pity. I'm fine." I spoke dryly.

She blinked a little taken aback at what I said.

"Oh well, excuse me. I mean you did almost die and you almost gave Stiles a heart attack the fist time he saw you in two months. But whatever right?" She said with sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Mom?" A voice asked.

"Oh Scott, I was just going to come get you. She just woke up." Melissa said.

He nodded. "Can I talk to her alone?" He asked.

Melissa glanced back at me and nodded. She left the room and Scott walked over to my bed.

"Hey Tegan." He said sadly.

"Hi Scott. What'd I miss?" I half joked.

"Stiles is a mess." He said looking at the ground.

All joking aside I noticed the serious look on his face.

"You have a crazy affect on him. He couldn't eat when you were gone. And Stiles loves food." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is he asleep?" I asked quietly.

"Not sure. I just know he went home. He was here for three days; straight. He didn't even leave your side." Scott said.

I didn't look back at him.

"What happened? How did they even find you?" Scott asked completely confused by the whole situation.

"Well, I was walking home from this girl's house..I can't remember her name at the moment...but her dad was home and I think he was planning on abusing her. She made me leave and it was really dark when I left. I ended up in a really ghetto town and I took a wrong turn and ended up in an alleyway. But then the 'people' followed me and kidnapped me. Then they tortured me but I don't even know why." I said, close to tears as all this was hitting me hard.

"Hey hey it's okay. You should get some sleep." He said sadly.

I nodded feeling exhausted.

Last thing I remember before falling asleep is hearing the door shut behind Scott.

ugh i literally hate this. please read the next chapter.

i'm such a failure. word count: 861

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