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2:56 a.m.

The sound of my phone buzzing woke me up.  I searched around for my phone and when I felt it in my hand I pressed answer without even checking who was calling.

''Hello?'' I groaned into the phone.

''Rowan? Did I wake you?'' My heart skipped a beat when I heard who's voice it was.  I was my best friend, Anna.

''Yeah, but it's okay.  Why are you calling so late?'' I was slightly surprised when I heard her voice.  I can't even remember the last time we talked.  

''I've been thinking about you, and I'm worried.'' 

I sighed and ran my fingers through my bedhead hair. ''There's nothing for you to worry about, Anna.''

''Rowan, you know why I'm worried.  Tonights going to be a rough night.  Are you planning on staying with anybody? Someone with a house, or better security?''

''No, but I'll be fine.  I have a gun to protect myself with.'' 

''A gun is not going to stop anybody.''

''Okay Anna, what can I do about it?  I can't just make tonight not happen.  Thanks for calling, but it's three in the morning and I have to wake up early for a test in a couple hours.'' I didn't wait for a reply before I hung up.  I ran both of my hands through my hair and groaned out in frustration.

My head fell back against my pillow and I tried to go back to sleep, but my mind wouldn't shut off.  I could die tonight and I'm not sure if I fully accepted that yet.  


7:00 a.m.

I got out of bed when my alarm started buzzing.  I hadn't gone back to sleep after my phone call with Anna and I was extremely exhausted.  

I walked over to my kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal.  I wasn't planning on eating breakfast, but I thought it would probably be a good idea since I might not find time to eat later.  

Once I ate, I walked out to my balcony and stood outside.  I looked over the railing and noticed a man carrying a huge weapon.  I think it was a machete.  He looked up and made eye contact with me and I immediately backed up enough to be out of his sight.  My stomach twisted and my heart started pounding.

''Are you ready for tonight?'' I looked up ahead of me and saw a boy probably a couple years older than me also standing on his balcony.  He lived right across from me. 

''Um, yeah, I, guess,'' I said back to him.

He smiled and and stood closer to the railing. ''Are you planning on staying in tonight?''

''Uh, yeah.  And you?''

''No, I'll be out tonight.  You can join me if you want.  I can take care of you,'' his voice was low and he had a small smirk on his lips.

''No, thank you, but I'll be fine.'' I went back inside and closed my curtains.  That guy is bad news.  

I know it may seem like I'm not putting in too much of an effort in trying to survive tonight, but that's because I have no hope.  I have nobody, nowhere to go, and barley enough money to help myself.  At least I'll be with my parents if I don't make it out alive.

I looked at my phone for the time and it was almost eight so I went to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth.  When I finished I grabbed my towel and went into the shower.  I rinsed out my hair and washed my body.  When I finished, I blow dried my hair and put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white flowy tank top.  Regardless of the event thats going to take place tonight,  people still had to go on with their days.  I have to take an exam for english even though I have a strong feeling about me not making it out alive tonight, I wanted to live today like any other day for just one last time.  I'll go to school, work my short shift at work, and go home and wait 'til it hits 7:00 p.m.

Purge Night (C.T.H.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz