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Rowan's P.O.V.

My heart was beating straight out of my chest as the man with the messy, dark hair had his hand wrapped around my arm, dragging me with him in whatever direction he was going.

"Cal, what are we going to do now?" The boy with the blonde hair, Luke, question out of breathe and panic. "This was never part of the plan, Ashton isn't going to like this, he's already-"

"Luke, you need to calm down Ashton's not going to do shit." We all stopped walking and started to intake our surroundings. We were no longer in the alley way.

"Where are we going?" I spoke up.  Calum, I believe his name is, turns around to look at me.

"Uh..." He stares at me and then his friend.

"Calum, what are we going to do with her?" Luke looks infuriated now with his indecisive friend. Suddenly I felt small and unwanted.

"You guys don't have to stay with me, I'll figure it out," I tried my best to sound confident and believable, but I couldn't even convince myself.

"Do you have anywhere to go? A friend's?" Calum suggests and suddenly I felt embarrassed.

I shake my head "no" and he runs his fingers through his hair. I could tell I was stressing this boy out.

"Let's take her to Liam's," Luke suggests.

"What the hell? Why would we take her to Liam's?"

"Cal, he lives close by and I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind."

"I'm not cool with him, he wouldn't do us any favors,"Calum states.

"You guys really don't need to help me, I can figure this out on my-" I was cut off by the blonde as he stepped closer to Calum.

"We don't have time to think of anything else, unless you have any other ideas," Luke argued.  I started to nervously rub my shoulder.  We've been standing in the same spot for a while just talking and I'm once again paranoid.

For a second I considered calling my boss, but that would be too inconsiderate of me. He has two kids and a wife and I don't want to lead anybody to his home. Not to mention the two boys arguing in front of me have bad intentions for the night. Yet here I am, letting them decide where I should go.

Calum started to run his fingers through his hair one again and let out a deep breathe. 

"Okay fine, whatever. Let's just get a car and then we'll take her there."

"I don't want to trouble you guys, it's okay really," I stated once again. I felt like a burden.

"You just had a full blown panic attack, you won't survive 30 minutes out here alone," Calum's tone was harsh and my cheeks heated with embarrassment. I looked up at him and my mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. I wanted to cry from frustration but I held it in.

"Let's keep walking," Luke looked at Calum like he wanted to say something ,but doesn't.

We walked down the street against the sidelines slowly and observant. Calum instructed me to stay behind him and Luke was behind me. The streets themselves were quiet, but it's the rooftops people were mainly on. There were shots shooting down below us so far twice and Calum was quick to fire back.  Makes me wonder what this guy does on his free time. Go to shooting ranges? Hunting?

The whole time I was uneasy and nauseous. Guns and violence are not my thing.

"How far is your friend's place?" I asked Luke.

"Uh, it's close by, but I think it's a good idea we drive there. It's not close of a walk," Luke grips his gun and looks around him.

"Are you sure your friend wouldn't mind?"

"Nah, he's welcoming and he's harmless," he smiled. "By the way, sorry for pointing my gun at you when I first saw you."

"Oh, it's-"

"Both of you need to stop talking before you guys get us all killed," Calum cut me off without turning around. The feeling of embarrassment came back to me. I opened my mouth to apologize, but closed it deciding against it. 

"Cal, there's a car right there," Luke pointed to across the other side of the streets.

We cautiously looked around our surroundings and Calum got a hold of my wrist again, which I tugged back. He doesn't need to be holding my hand.

"Sorry, just walk faster," his words were slow and I scrunched my brows together.  This guys really   We ran across the street and Luke checked to see if anyone may have been in the vehicle.  No one was, thank god.

He lifted the handle and to our luck it was unlocked.

"Get in while I get the car starting," Luke instructed.  I gasped when I opened to back door only to find a blood stained seat.

"Just sit on the other side you'll be fine," Calum said as he sat upfront in the passengers. 

I hurried over to the other side and sat down.

"I'm going to text Ashton and see what he wants to do now."

After about 30 seconds the engine started and Luke began to drive off.

"We'll be there in about 10 minutes. What did Ashton say?"

"Uh," Calum started to read off his phone. "He wants us to go back to where we were."

"Right now?"

"Yes right now, we don't have time to take her to Liam's," Calum states. Luke stops the car and turns to face Calum.

"What are we going to do with her?" I've never felt like such a burden.

"I've already told you guys, I can just be on my own. It's-"

"Ashton's going to flip when he sees her," Luke says quietly as if I wasn't sitting in the back seat.

"I don't give a fuck, let him be pissed who cares.  We have to get going right now, we can't just sit in this car arguing.  Drive, now," Calum snapped and Luke does as told.  This Calum guy really has his panties in a twist.

Luke turns the car around and begins to drive to the previous location I assume they were at.  I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and took this chance to text Anna back, letting her know that I'm okay.  For now at least.

* * *

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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