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Rowan's P.O.V.

7:00 p.m.

I lost all feeling in my body as soon as the announcement played on my TV.  I began to hear screams from outside.  I fell back on the couch and my right hand was gripped against my gun.  I looked over at my door to check if it was locked even though I remember doing it an hour ago.  I couldn't help but be paranoid.  

I set the gun down and grabbed the book shelf against the wall.  I pulled it in front of the front door,  leaving a messy pile of books on the floor.  

''That should help,'' I told myself . 

My apartment building didn't provide a special lockdown system.  They considered it, but other people do different things on purge night so they decided to call it off.  

I licked my lips nervously and I jumped to the sound of my phone ringing.  I had a Facetime request from Ana.  I finger hovered over the decline button, but I ended up answering.

''Hey, I know right now is not the best time to be calling you right now, but,'' I cut her off.

''It's okay.  I feel a little better talking to somebody.  Even though your just through the phone,'' I could hear the nervousness in my voice and I'm sure she noticed because she gave me a look full of sympathy and worry.

''You're going to be alright, okay,'' she informed me.  I jumped to the sound of gun shots coming from outside and I walked into the closet shutting the door behind me.  

''Oh my god,'' I started breathing heavily and pacing back and forth.  ''Did you hear that?''

''Yeah I did, was that a bomb?'' She asked.  I looked at her with annoyed and shook my head.

''They were fucking gunshots Ana, are you trying to make me feel more worried about this whole night.  I thought you called to make me feel better?'' I went off on her for er asking a simple question.  She didn't do anything, but under situations like this I will get infuriated over little things. 

''Hey, calm down Rowan.  Just breath, okay?  And make sure you have your gun with you.  Don't leave it out of sight.'' 

''Shit, it's in the living room,'' I walked out of my room to grab the gun.  I was slow and hesitant because I just felt like there was someone in my apartment, even though at the same time I was well aware that I was the only one here. 

I grabbed the gun and just as I was going to walk back to my room I heard a loud bang on my front door.  I dropped my only weapon and my phone on the floor, startled from the noise.  I quickly bent down to grab both and ran to my room, locking it behind me as I heard the bangs get louder and Ana in the background asking what the hell is going on. 

''Rowan, answer me! What the hell was that?'' I looked at her and her eyes were wide.

''Somebody's at my door, banging.  I, I need to hang up, okay,'' I said and she shook her heard.

''No, I have to know you're okay, don't hang up, please,'' she begged.

 ''Ana, like you said, I will be alright. I, I'm going to get rid of that person and I will call you right back, I promise, okay? I have to go.'' Without letting her speak, I hung up and slid the phone in my back pocket. My hang was gripped tightly with the gun and my finger was on top of the trigger.  I took a deep breath and walked outside of my bedroom, trying my best to stay calm.

The person banging eventually broke the lock and now was trying to push over the bookshelf.


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