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Heroine : a woman admired for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

The leaves were dying. And death was in the air. Arya had her Bow and Arrow ready. Seth looked confident holding his sword. And Fae pulled  out two short swords from behind her. Everyone was ready to fight whatever was coming for them.
And even though Ava was holding a dagger her sister gave her, plus she was in the middle of the circle they formed around her. She was still terrified of the creatures that were heading towards them.

" Fae you take the left, and Seth you go through the middle. I'll attack from the right side. Only use your Aura If you have to."

Arya was the one giving orders. She was a natural when it came down to these kind of things. Her father taught her everything  she knows.

"And what about me?"

Ava said with a frightened look on her face. She felt helpless, they had a better chance of surviving without her. How was she the girl from the prophecy ? If she couldn't even be of any help in a small battle.

"Stay close to me."

Arya said. Ava could tell her sister was scared, it was written all over her face.

The creatures who crept out from behind the trees were demonic looking. Their skin looked reptile like, some had red eyes and others scales. A few of them were even flying. They looked like a mixture of man and reptile. Most of them resembled snakes, some looked like lizards and others looked like Crocodiles.
The leader was an albino Crocodile woman, with a long tail and a snake tongue.  Ava's heart started beating faster when she saw them. She then asked her sister.

" Are those what I think they are? "

"Fluchten !"

They both said simultaneously.
There was about thirty of them.
Fluchten were beings with no soul, no aura, no love. They're usually being's who tampered with bad magic.
The price you pay every time you do evil, is one you pay with your soul. And they were all beyond dead. They were cursed !

Arya was the first to attack, she shot one of them directly in the forehead. The creature vanished as soon as it got hit. Leaving a trace in the form of a thin black smoke behind. That's how they knew that these monsters, weren't the real deal. They were some kind of duplicate. They could still harm or kill you, but you couldn't kill them. Arya and Seth glanced over at each other. She nodded, and he knew exactly what to do. He lounged his attack. His goal was to get to the leader, but he had to get rid of the smaller ones first. A snake with a male and female head, was heading towards him. After using his sword to take out the two that attacked him from above. Seth aimed directly for the double-headed snake. In one movement he got rid of it. As the black smoke cleared he could see the albino Crocodile creature. She was looking at Ava. Seth normally wasn't the violent type he hated war. But he was ready and willing to protect everyone, especially Arya. Seth was multi tasking. He had to keep an eye on everyone. And even though he knew his sister could handle herself, he still glanced over to her several times. Fae was busy fighting two creatures at once. Fae might be small, but she was fierce. After she got rid of the first one that she was holding in a choke hold. She jumped on the other ones back, she then placed her short swords at its throat. And in no time he too was gone.

Arya who was slowly running out of arrows,  decided she had no other choice than to use her aura. She held one of her arrows to her mouth and said.

" Tuer multa."

Immediately her light blue aura started to wrap around the arrow.
It was a spell to kill as many Fluchten as possible. And it did exactly that.
With one shot she eliminated six of them.

Ava was doing the best she could.
She managed to get rid of one so far.
But as soon as he disappeared, another one was after her. This one however seemed familiar. It wasn't until it revealed that it didn't have any eyes, just an empty socket that was covered in skin. That's when Ava remembered the creature who was pretending to be her mother. That day  her sister came to get her, Just before they were sucked in by the wind portal they opened. She saw the creature's transformation. Ava was even more afraid of her now. This was someone she trusted for a long time. Ava started to take several steps backwards. She fell to the ground, after tripping over a rock. She was so afraid that she couldn't even move. It was as if her brain and her body were disconnected. It felt as if all hope was lost, then she saw a white wolf coming towards her. It was holding something in its mouth. She could tell that the wolf wasn't one of the Fluchten. And she also wasn't afraid of it. When it got closer she saw that it had a sword in its mouth. Not just any sword, her sword! She got up, took the sword from the wolf  and then out of its case.
And in that moment more of her memories came back, It was a good feeling this time around. She wasn't  in pain. Ava was becoming herself again. And she could see her own aura at its fullest. The golden shimmer that left a smoke like trail, as it wrapped around her hands and  sword. Even the gold markings on her hands were visible. By this time the Fluchten was hovering over the ground. The creature had huge wings that made it look even more intimidating. It let out a terrifying scream, before heading directly towards Ava. Everyone was busy fighting, so Ava was on her own. She knew that it was now or never.
Ava felt an unexpected and unexplainable amount of courage like never before. Ava then raised her sword over head. She wasn't afraid to scream as she head towards the Fluchten, who she once called Mother. With one good swing of her sword, she hit the Fluchten directly at its core. But instead of black smoke appearing after it was hit.
There was an explosion of golden butterflies. There were so many, they all flew in every direction. Ava stood there amazed at what she had done. She looked around and saw that all the other Fluchten were gone. Ava fell to her knees she couldn't believe that she was that powerful. The others quickly ran to her side. Her sister hugged her so fast, it almost knocked her over. Then Fae joined in, and they were all on the ground.

"You did it. "

Arya said as she helped her sister up. Arya was proud of Ava, for standing up to these creatures.

"Yeah I did, and It feels so good. I finally starting to feel like me again."

Ava was glowing. Her smile was so contagious, that they all just stood there admiring her and laughing. Then Fae asked.

"Was your sword what allowed your aura to react that way?  And how did you get it ?"

Ava shook her head. She didn't know how answer Fae's questions.

" I don't know. Actually....."

She said before turning around.
She was looking for the wolf who brought her sword.

"There was a wolf."

She said confused.

"Your sword must have some deep emotional value, otherwise it wouldn't have that effect on you."

Saith said as he pointed to the sword.
Ava looked down and smiled as she said.

" As a matter of fact it does, it was a gift from someone special."

Her sister was smiling, because she knew who gave Ava her sword.

" Ava look who's behind you."

Arya pointed and smile as she motioned with her head. Ava then quickly turned around. She turned around  just in time to see the white wolf who brought her, her sword. Shape shift into the blonde haired boy from her memories. He looked extremely handsome as usual.

"I hoped it would be the item you had a strongest connection to."

He said with a wide smile on his face.
Ava's eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe it, it was....


She said surprised. Ava dropped her sword and ran into his arms. It felt good finally seeing him again.  It was as if he was the missing piece of her puzzle. Her other half. Their aura started to  merge. And not long after. They were surrounded by a bright gold shimmer. They looked like a ball of golden hope, in between the trees in the darkness of the Eveirian Forrest.

Fluchten (from German word verflucht) = cursed
Tuer multa - tuer (french) = kill, multa (Latin) = many

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