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Kindred: one's family, relations

Blood was everywhere, everything was frozen and the air was cold. The sky was gray and lifeless. Everywhere was covered in snow.

They stared fighting as soon as they arrived. It was a good thing that Ava bonded with one of the dragons, because they needed all the help they could get. The Ice Queen already had her solders waiting on them. She knew that they were coming. The first thing Arya did once they landed, was cast a cloaking spell on everyone including herself. There were too many of the Queens warrior's. Without a cloaking spell they wouldn't stand a chance. They tried to  get rid of as many Fluchten as they possibly could. The battle field was as colorful as a rainbow after the rain. Everyone was using their aura.
Seth's green aura was visible as he created earthquakes and grow vines out of the ground. He made it so that the ground opened up and swallowed them whole. One of the Fluchten had red eyes, since Fae decided to stick to what she was best at. She took over the body of the biggest and strongest person she could find. It was easy to get rid of them this way, she had the element of surprise on her side. A white horse came running. It was heading towards Arya. She was happier than ever when she saw her horse Mto. She bonded with Mto as a young girl, he ment so much to her. Her aura appeared as a royal blue. She got on  her horse and used her bow and arrow to get as many of the Queens Fluchten as she could. The sky was glowing in gold because  Ava and Roan who were on the dragons backs,  were attacking from above. The dragons were spitting so much fire, that the snow started to melt in certain areas. The fight went on for what felt like hours. And they were all slowly starting to get tired.

There was a big blast of wind and the air got colder. Arya and the others also noticed that the cloaking spell was removed. Luckily for them. There were less Fluchten for them to fight.
But the highlight of that moment was the Ice Queen. She finally made her grand entrance. She was wearing a long gown that looked like it was made of ice. Her dark skin was covered in shimmering frost. As was her face, no one knew how the Ice Queen looked. Her face was frozen in so much ice it was like a mask.
Ava and Roan joined their friends as soon as the Queen showed herself. They were all standing and fighting  together now.

Ava's eyes met with her sisters. She didn't have to say anything. They both knew it was time. Arya  ran towards her sister hugged her.

"Be safe, remember what I told you."

Ava didn't say anything, she just nodded. So many emotions were going through her. She turned around and looked up at the Ice Queen who was on the roof. Ava looked down and reached for her sword. It was time to put an end to this mess.


The Inside of the castle was colder than outside. Everything was frozen. Ava could See her breath. She recognized this place. This wasn't just any castle, this was her home.

It didn't take her long to get to the roof. After climbing a few stairs, she opened a big wood door. She had her sword in her hand she was ready to fight. But when she got there, she soon  realized that she was alone. The Ice Queen wasn't there. Ava looked around, she tried not to panic.

"Where is she? "

Ava asked herself. She was slowly starting to see what Arya was talking about. She sighed annoyed.


A familiar voice said. Ava quickly turned around.  She was surprised to see her......


Ava said excited. Queen Rosalyn was standing on the roof with open arms ready to greet her. Ava was halfway there, before her common sense kicked in. She immediately stopped when she remembered that her mother died.
So if that's not her mom. Who is she?
Ava stood there looking both angry and confused.

" Who are you? "

Ava shouted.

" Baby it's me, I'm you mother."

The impostor continued to lie.

"My mother is dead."

Ava said angrily through her teeth.
The look on the Impostor's face slowly changed from happy, too serious to evil.

" Your right I'm not your mother, but that still doesn't change anything. "

The Ice Queen finally Shape shifted back to her true form. Her face was still covered in ice. So Ava still had no idea what she really looked like. Ava decided that she wasn't just going to wait for her to attack. So she through a curse at her. Ava's eyes lit up as she said.

" kú"

A curse and a spell were two  complete different things. A spell could be both good and bad.  We're as a curse was only used for bad. And as with any curse it left a trace. Ava's curse was swiftly blocked by the Ice Queen. Who then threw a counter curse at Ava. The Ice on the Queens  face grew some more, It started to spread to her hair. She was getting stronger. The curse caught Ava and her throat started to burn. She placed  her hands on her throat and her eyes widened. Her neck was frozen, she could feel that it was frozen on the inside as well. Ava couldn't breathe. The Ice Queen wanted to prevent Ava  from cursing her again. She quickly repeated her curse again. But this time Ava used her sword and her aura to block it.
That's when the dragon Ava bonded with appeared. The dragon aimed it's fire at the Queen, Who was caught off guard. Ava took this opportunity to run.  She ran back inside the castle.
She closed the door and sat down by the steps. Her throat asked, she was in so much pain. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. Her tears were laced with her golden aura. All it took was one drop, and the Ice melted. The curse broke. Ava smiled, for a short moment she felt re leaved. But that was short-lived, she was brought back to her reality by the sound the dragon made. She would later find out that the Queen froze the poor creature.

Ava started to panic. She couldn't do it. She wasn't the girl from the prophecy. Her sister was wrong. She was worthless. Ava sat there crying  with her hands covering her face. She was letting everyone down. She was full of doubt, and she was convinced that it was over. That's when she heard her mother's singing. This time it was really her Mother. She looked around at first, before realizing that it was coming from the medallion Arya gave her. How could she hear her mother through it? She wondered.
She had the medallion in her hand.
Suddenly Every single memory she ever had came back. She remembered everything. The voices of her Mother, her Father, her sister and Roan were playing in her mind. She remembered what Roan told her. She knew exactly what to do, she knew how to stop the Ice Queen. Her Aura glowed so bright, She was surrounded by so much light that she became the light. She eventually disappeared.

When she reappeared she was standing behind the Ice Queen. She wasn't afraid of her anymore. She understood her pain now. The Ice Queen turned around and was in shocked when she saw how close Ava was to her. She tried to curse Ava again but it didn't work. Her aura was some kind of magical shield. Ava took slow steps towards the Ice Queen, Who then tried to run when she saw that her magic was useless. Ava quickly grabbed her hand. With that one gesture alone, Ava was already able to defrost the Queen's frozen hand. Ava then did something no one in battle would ever think to do to their opponent.

Ava went closer to the Ice Queen and hugged her. She then said.

" I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for all the pain and hurt you had to go through ....."

The Ice on her dress and on her face was slowly melting. She tried to push Ava away. But Ava held on tight to her. Ava remembered what Roan said, when he told her that she had something the Ice Queen didn't. She then finally said.

" I  love you so much, I always have and I always will."

Ava's last words melted all the Ice everywhere. Her sisters face was finally revealed when the Ice melted from her face. The tears she held back for so long ran down her cheeks.
Ava and Arya sat there holding each other.  When the sky cleared up allowing the sun to shine. All the Ice melted it vanished, along with all the
Monsters and the evil they brought with them. Spring was finally here, everything started to blossom again.
Nature was giving Eveiria a new start.  Both Ava and Arya had a new start as well. They found themselves with and because of each other.


- (Yoruba) = die

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