No! This has to be a dream!

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You and your family were on your normal lives: You, your brothers and your dad were always training, while your mom was cleaning and cooking. Even though everthing is back to normal, you still get flashbacks and even dreams sometimes of you, Gohan, and your dad fighting Turles (A saiyan who looked just like your father) and destroying the Tree of Might back when you were 5. You know that was 13 years ago and all, but you still can't shake off that memory.

You and your family were eating dinner and while all of you were eating your head shook as you suddenly had some kind of vision phenomenon in your mind.

You were back in the deserted land where you fought Turles and his men. You looked around.
"Why am I back here?" you asked aloud.
"You're here because of me, (Y/N), also known as to me the "Daughter of Kakarot". A very familiar voice said behind you.
You shook your head violently,"No! It can't be!" you turned around and saw that it was Turles. He smirked and started to walk closer to you. You backed away,"No! Get away! I thought you died!" you yelled at him.
Before he could respond someone shook your shoulder and you back into reality and sighed in relief. You turned and saw that It was your dad Goku who shook you.
"Are you alright, sweetheart? You were just there wide eyed with a terrified face." Your dad asked worridly.
"Yes...I'm fine. I guess I just had a bad memory or something, but I'll get over it, don't worry,daddy" you smiled and assured your dad you were fine.
"Alright, (Y/N), I was just making sure." your dad smiled and you two went back to eating.

It was almost midnight and you couldn't sleep, so you thought of just to go for small walk in the woods. You got dressed and went out. About 20 mins of walking, you heard someone chuckle near by ot was definitely a man. "Who's there?!" you asked aloud. "It's me,(Y/N), also known as "Daughter of Kakarot". The mysterious person said as he walked out of the dark tress into the moonlight so you could see him and it was Turles. You instantly become paralyzed in fear,"No! T-This has t-to be a dream! You died 13 years ago!" you yelled at him as you stuttered. Was this a warning of what your flashbacks and dreams were telling you the passed 13 years?
He chuckled and walked towards you. You wanted to run, but you were too scared to move. "Did you think your father had enough strength to kill me? I admit: he is strong, but not enough." he said as he smirked. "What do you want from me?" you asked. "You." he replied as his hand caressed your cheek. "What?!" you said
"You heard me! You see, 13 years ago back when you were 5, you were such an adorable little girl and I had a feeling that you were gonna grow up to be a beautiful young woman one day. Now, at 18 years old I see that you did turn out to be a beautiful young woman just as I predicted and imagine you would be. I waited for you to be of age of course. I've been watching you for the passed 13 years." he smirked and chuckled as he stroked you (h/l) (h/c) hair and you shook violently and he chuckled at that. You just realized that this man who looks just like your father has been stalking you for 13 years. You felt disgusted and scared because when you look at him all you see is your dad Goku.
He pulled you close to him, you did want to fight back, but you just to scared.
"How would you like to come with me?" He paused while grinning at you."As my lover, (Y/N), Daughter of My Enemy Kakarot?" Turles asked as he had his arms around you.
You finally had the strength to push him,"No! And I never will! Every time I see you, all I see is my father! Even if you didn't look like him I still won't be with you!" you yelled at him with disgust and anger.
"Tch, tch,tch, you'll get over it, my love, I may resemble your father, but I'll make you mine." Turles said as walked closer to you.
You ran, but Turles grabbed you and pulled you in a kiss. You wide eyed while you saw his eyes were closed. All you saw while kissing him was your father. "Dad! No! I can't be kissing my Dad! This is just insane!" You yelled in your mind.
Before you can think of anything else, you felt something being injected into you. Everthing went black and you passed out asleep.

*Turles pov*
I kissed (Y/N) until I injectecd here with a needle with blue liquid I made that I had in my pocket to knock her out asleep I chuckled.
"I finally have you after 13 years! Now you will come with me and be mine for eternity." I may resemble her father, but I don't care what she thinks she's still gonna be mine whether she likes it or not! I then flew up with her bridal style in my arms,flew to my ship. I layed her on the bed in one of the rooms.
"Sweet dreams, my precious (Y/N)." I said to her.
I left the room and flew tbe ship into space. 'Her family is gonna have no clue where she is now! Especially her father: My enemy Kakarot." I thought as I smirked.

*A/N: So what did you guys think of my very first DBZ fanfic? Should I make a sequel of this? Let me know thank you. :)*

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