No! This has to be a dream! Ch. 3

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(Author's Note): Hey, everyone! I know it's been over a year since I made another chapter. I've just been waiting for more votes and what you guys thought of my story. Now that I've seen all of these votes and comments I've decided to make another chapter and final chapter. Hope you all love this.

                      Final Ch.

(Y/N)'s POV

I suddenly gasp as a woke and sat up quickly. I looked at my clock and saw it was midnight. Then looked at my right side, sighing in relief and comfort seeing that my husband Turles was still sound asleep. He was a hard sleeper, but he never mind that I woke him so he could comfort me.

"Oh thank, God" I said in happiness and relief. "Just a dream and "what if" scenario of me being 18 back then Turles still being evil like he used to."

I'm 24 years old now, have been with Turles for 6 years and have been married to him for 4 years. I still do think back at those flashbacks when he used to be evil when I was 5. It did freak me out that he looked identical to my father, but as I grew I thought that he looked more less like my father.

When Turles suddenly showed up at my family's lawn 13 years later he didn't seem like he wanted to kill anyone and him and I locked our eyes on eachother for about 2 seconds,but my father was about kill him right then and there instantly anyway.

Turles stopped my dad and told him he doesn't mean to kill anyone anymore, because for the past 13 years he's been watching us just waiting for the right time to kill us at first, but he completely changed as he saw me grow up to be a beautiful young woman over the years. So basically what Turles was saying is that he never wants to be evil again. He just wants to be with me and later soon ask for my hand in marriage.

I was just blown away for what Turles said to my dad that day. My dad and whole family were blown away too. My dad seemed kinda iffy at first, but after a few attempts of Tulres telling him that what he's saying is true my family gladly accepted him. They didn't even really think that he looked just like my father and I didn't either, we saw Turles as a totally different person. My family didn't even care if he was A LOT older than I was either. I didn't even care if he was older than I am either. We are saiyans after all, so we don't really age.

Turles wrapped his arms a little bit above my back while I puts my hands on his shoulders.

"Do you feel the same way about me, (Y/N)? If so will you be mine?" He asked.

I smiled and giggled a little,"Yes and Yes, Turles." I say as I kissed him then he kissed back too.

Two years later when I was 20 he proposed to me at a beautiful waterfall at night, with the moon shinning on the pit waterfall and few candles lit up around the pit with some rose petals. Of course,  I said yes. We got married about 3 months later.

Now here we are 4 marvelous years of marriage to my husband Turles.

I hear a sharp cry from the next room and smile happily and peacefully. Our beautiful 2 month old baby boy Subaru (I named him that) was crying. His hair was the same color as my hair, but the hair style was just like his dad's and he also had his dad's eyes.

I got off the bed, went to next room, turned on the lamp and walked to the crib seeing Subaru squirming in crib and reaching his small hands up as soon as he saw me.

"I'm here, Subaru." I cooed as I picked him up. I saw him mouth at my shirt that hid my swollen tender breasts while whimpering.

"Are you hungry, honey?" I asked while I cooed to him. I grabbed a nursing pillow and sat on a lounge chair. I put the nursing pillow of my lap, unbuttoned my shirt, freeing my breasts, and eased Subaru to my left nipple. Once he lachted on his unhappy whimpering stopped and he suckled peacefully as he closed his eyes while still suckling.

I watched with deep love as I nursed him. "Momma has you, Subaru. I'll protect you and your daddy will protect you too" I say to him as I stroke his hair."

"I knew you'd be here." I look up at the doorway and smiled again seeing it was Turles. He was smiling happily seeing me nursing our son. He walked over to me at my right side and kissed me as I kissed back.

"He's a hungry little fella isn't he?" He smiled while looking down at Subaru who was still nursing at my breast.

"He sure is." I reply smiling looking down at Subaru as well."What did you wake up for? You're usually a hard sleeper." I asked as turned my attention to Turles instead.

"I just got up to go to the bathroom and saw you weren't in bed. So I thought you'd be in here with Subaru since you nurse him." He replied.

"Oh alright" I say.

Once Subaru was done I buttoned up my shrit, lifted him over my shoulder, patting his back to burp him. Once he let out a tiny, quiet, cute burp he sighed peacefully and fell asleep instantly. I carefully hand him over to Turles and he gently laid Subaru back in crib.

Turles and I quietly excited the room. I turned off the lamp as we went out. Then I quietly closed the door behind us.

As we comfortably laid back into our bed I laid my head on Turles's chest as put his arm around my back.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I know it's too soon and all, but I think we should have another kid when Subaru's older like around 5 years old." He said.

I thought of that for a moment. "I think so too." I say happily.

"Goodnight, babe, love you." Turles said as he fell asleep.

"Love you too, Turles." I reply as I fell asleep too.

(Author's note): so this whole time you really were dreaming, huh? Anyway what did you think of this final chapter? I thought of doing a little twist in the story that it really was a dream that you were experiencing at 18 years old. And I thought of you nursing you and Turles's baby boy would be adorable. If you like you can request me to do o e shots of you and Turles with your baby boy Subaru. Let me know of what you all think. Bye :)

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