Playing Games!

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Damien's P.O.V

Dad- I'm coming back tomorrow so don't tell the girls.

Me- okay pops

Dad -also we going to pick out Yanni's car ill be at the airport around 4:00 on the dot don't be late either.

Me- yes sir I'm going to sleep.

Dad- u need to cause its cleaning spree Sunday oh and I have a announcement to make. Luv ya son

Me- love u too pops.

I sent the message and turned over on my side and went to sleep. I smelled something good so I got up and walked into the kitchen. Yanni was cooking breakfast, everyone else was sitting at the table waiting for their food so I sat down next to Arie. When was mighty quiet this Sunday she usually yelling about her clothes being mixed with ours. Yanni put the plates with the food in the middle and gave us our personal plates. Yari was pouring everybody apple juice when Yanni got Oj. Everybody looked at her. She sat down opened the jug and poured a whole Cup.

Yanni- what

Damien- what u mean what.

Yanni- nigga bye.

Damien- you sitting there drinking OJ and we drinking apple juice.

Yanni- y'all know that apple juice don't sit well on my stomach. Cause it makes me noxious.

Damien-that's what makes You noxious.

She gave him the death stare he through his hands up to surrender. Then somebody knocked on the door it was Tracy.

Me- Damien yo baby mama at the door.

Damien came to the door he was outside for a good 20 but I didn't care. He came back in the house with Aqua. She was so cute.. Yanni was the first to grab her. After we got done we started cleaning like no tomorrow. We probably clean the house from top to bottom. After we got done cleaning we decided to get ready and take the kids to the park to play.

Damien POV- after we got done getting dressed we took. Yari and Akeem to the park. Me,Santo,and Domani where sitting on the bench watching Yanni push Akeem and yari on the swings. Arie was texting somebody she often looked up to see Akeem and smiled. I was rocking Aqua to sleep she kept crying. She finally went to sleep.

Domani- dad texted me this morning.

Me- okay what he talking bout.

Domani- he said that he coming back tomorrow and He said we going to get Yanni's car.

Me- okay what else he say.

Domani- he said that he has an announcement.

Me-oh so how we supposed to leave with out them. Knowing

Santo- well everyday this week coach letting us out of class at 1 for practice until 3.

Domani-He said to be there by 4 and no later than that.

Me-actually it would work cause Yanni has cheer and dance practice too but her hours are from 2 to 4 so we can go get him

Santo- ill give her a ride back to my house and we stay there until Tuesday night. So she would be surprised.

Me- yeah and that's the only kind of ride u better give her.

Santo- no promises.

It was starting to rain so we got the kids and put them in each seat.

When we got to the house I ordered pizza and we where watching grown ups two. After we got down watching the movie everyone got baths and picked clothes out for school. Santo left cause his parents where going out for they anniversary for 2 weeks long Anniversary. After everyone got done bathing we went to sleep cause we have to get up at 5:00 for us to make it without being late. Yanni had Aqua wrapped up in her arms I kissed their heads and went to yari's room she was laying on the floor so I picked her up and tucked her in bed and kissed her. I walked down to Ariel's room to see her laying on her bed watching TV. She looked at me and motioned me to come sit so I did. She gave me a hug and I big kiss on the cheek. She wouldn't let me go I was about to leave when she said my name.

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