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" The house was restored after the first and second floor burned. We worked really hard on it. It would be a shame if neither one of us couldn't use it." said grandma.

"Well, that's great news, but I still don't understand how I will be able to take care of the whole house all by myself. No one walked in that mansion for almost ten years or so. " I said sighing.

"You'll be just fine. It's only one hour away from the city and you'll have your own place, Davina. If you go there couple days before university starts you might get the whole place clean. I can come and help you , if you want me to. Grandpa said nothing has changed since the last time we went there. He got a plumber and electrician to check on the house and everything is still working." she said while putting a plate in front of me on the table. 

I looked outside the window and sighed. I didn't want to leave this place, but I also didn't want to stay. I have to move on and start  this new chapter in my life, but I know I'll feel so lonely. Since my parents moved to Australia with their jobs I've been staying with my grandparents. They even moved here so I won't have to switch schools. I'll always be grateful for what they've done for me.  

"Come on honey, I know what you're thinking, but you know how I feel about that city. You'll be safer in that house." she said .

The phone rand and  grandma left the kitchen to answer. I looked at my plate  for couple of seconds before rising from my seat. 

I'm going to take a walk. This will take my mind of everything hopefully.

Couple of weeks later I found myself in my new home. I opened the door as quickly as possible because I was wet and freezing.  The small distance between the car and the porch was just enough for the rain to get my clothes wet. I put my bag down on the floor and went to switch the lights open. The light flickered for two seconds then the room was flooded by light. I took in the view in front of me.

Great! I'll have to work my butt of to clean this place. Where am  I going to sleep? 

I run my fingers trough my hair exasperated.

"It's fucking two a.m. in the morning!" I said while getting out of the house.

I took all my luggage to the house as quickly I could and shut the door behind myself. I made sure it was locked before I left to my old room. The room that my grandparents choose for me was now much smaller than I remembered.

I'll  leave my luggage in one of the guest rooms. This house was too big to not get myself the space I needed. 

And I'll be the only one staying here, so yeah... Welcome home Davina!  

 I changed my clothes and although I was tired, I decided to clean my room. I couldn't sleep knowing there might be spiders in here. Just the thought of them sent shivers through my whole body. 

It was already 5 a.m. when I finished. I changed in my short pajamas and went to brush my teeth. I turned on the water and looked to my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were red and tired, my brown hair was messy and I had a feeling this is what I'm going to see every time I look into a mirror for the next days. I was awaken from my thoughts by something wet at my feet. I looked down and saw water running from the bottom of the cabinet. I quickly tuned off the water and went out of the room.

 This is just great! Now I'll have to visit the basement, the love of my life!  

I went downstairs and searched for a  flashlight and then I headed to the basement. The door made a scratching sound when I entered. I went down slowly, making sure to not  touch anything in my way. I went to the shelf I knew my grandad kept his tools and searched for something to fix the pipe with. Thank God I was  curious as a kid! Thanks to that and to my grandpa who was patient enough to teach me how to fix different things , or else I would be looking for a plumber in the middle of the night.

 As I was searching I hit my knee on something. Looking down I saw a coffer that was just above my knees and about one meter long standing near the tool shelf. 

I don't remember seeing this here.  

It was locked, but thankfully the locker collapsed as soon as I hit it with a  hammer. I opened it and I was astonished by the view in front of me.

Books! Why are they  locked in here? 

I rose suddenly remembering why I came here for. I looked for another five minutes and as soon as I got every thing I needed to repair the pipe, I returned to the coffer to close it. But as the bookworm I am , I took a book from it before heading to my room.

Fortunately, I finished fixing the pipe quickly, so now I was sitting in my bed, legs crossed and with the book in front of me. My heart was pounding hard, like I was doing something illegal.  I opened it and as soon as I set my view on the white sheet,my eyesight went blurry and suddenly  I saw a set of green eyes looking right at me. I panicked and threw the book on the ground and close my eyes.

What was that? Was I dreaming? No, that couldn't be , I'm awake. It's probably because I'm tired.  

I got off the bed and picked up the book. After I was tugged in my bed, I opened it again, only to be greeted by white sheets.

Plain pages.. This is not even a book! Maybe they all are old notebooks or journals. That's too bad! I was in the mood of reading something. 

I placed the notebook on the nightstand near the frame of me and my parents. I turned around in my bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking of those eyes. They were manly, and full of power and hatred, just like you see at those criminals who lost the last drop of humanity in them. But they were beautiful and so expressive. 

It felt so real.

As I was on the edge of falling asleep I had the strangest feeling. A shiver went all through me and I found myself sitting in my bed feeling like there was someone in there.

But it couldn't be. I made sure all the doors and windows  were closed and locked before I headed to sleep. I knew I couldn't sleep anymore, not with this feeling. So I checked all house  again. Once I was sure everything was all right I finally hopped in my bed. I fell asleep thinking about those green eyes. 

Hello <3

 Thank you for coming by and taking a look on my work. Hope you liked<3

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