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 A few days passed since the encounter with that entity. Nothing  strange happened since then, although I still have the feeling of being watched. I wanted to throw away that book, but I was too scared of touching it. I was growing more and more tired considering how little sleep I had lately. 

  I feel different today. I feel curious of what happened, yet I know I can not talk to anyone about it. So I embrace my fear and go to the basement. That is the only place that can have some answers.

Damn you creature with your astonishing eyes.  

I go on my knees and open the coffer. I take the rest of the books and walk up to my room. 

Ok, Davina, it's now or never!

I open one journal and, not surprising at all, it is empty. I then open another one... also empty.

They are all empty... not a single word.

But as soon as I got up to put the books away I feel a throbbing  pain in my chest, my vision starts to blur. I fell near the bed, gasping for air. My heart was pumping like I was racing with a car.

I cannot see! What is happening to me? Oh no, not again! 

I woke up on my bed.  For a minute I thought it was morning until I saw that it was night outside. My fear starts to grow as I remember what happened. 

How did I get in my bed? 

 " I put you there"says a husky voice in my head. 

 "What the actual f*ck?!" I said out loud looking around me. 

 "You use such harsh words for someone so fragile and pure like you" said the same voice, only now not in my mind, but form the hallway. 

I  froze, yet my blood was burning inside me.  I felt a tear running down my cheek. 

  "You shall not fear me, for I am grateful for your help." the voice said. 

"I ..." I couldn't even say a word. I closed my eyes, marked by fear. 

I heard steps coming slowly near me. 

" You can open your eyes, I will not hurt you."

But I couldn't. I was too tired and too scared to see my death in the eyes. Well not until I felt a warm hand wiping my tears away. I flinched. As I rose my look I was met with the same green eyes I saw couple days ago. I was terrified and yet I couldn't look away. I didn't want to. It felt like this moment was the only keeping me apart from my death. He looked at me like an experienced predator. He studied my face and as soon as his eyes left mine I left myself breathe, inhaling his scent.  It reminded me of the scent after the summer rain. 

I then realized that it was the first time I actually could see his face. His brown hair was slicked back and his bone structure was perfectly defined. His eyebrows were naturally arched just like a true devil's.  He got up and went near the window and rested himself on the wall.

"Why are you still crying? Are you hurt?" he asked me.

Really? Is this d*ckhead  really asking me this? Here? In my dorm? In my HOUSE?

" Again with the mean words." he said with a shadow of a smile lingering on his face.

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"Oh, so the lady can indeed speak! Anyway, we have more important things to sort out. As I said I thank you for releasing me, but you failed one aspect. I can not get out of this land. You seem to have forgotten one of the talismans. "he said while turning his back on me and looking down the window. 

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