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The rain was pouring outside, it was almost the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep.

"Something feels off. I can't calm down my anxiety. I feel so strange like something is going to happen and it's bad. "

  Ares was in the basement looking for any clue. Today he started to check on every piece of wood in this house, looking for secret passages or hide-out. I promised him that as soon as the rain stops I will check outside. All this search brought nothing but fear and danger upon us. Since he is trapped here, if  someone finds out he is alive, he could not escape. 

As I was walking to my room  I started getting dizzy and my vision became black. I fell on my knees. Suddenly I was in an unknown room with strangers.  There was a blonde woman dressed in an unusual white dress, looking at herself in a mirror while another woman arranged her hair. She was a bride I guessed.  

Then the room started getting colder, a scream came from outside the door as it opened. The scene in front of me got me frozen and scared to death. And the worst part was that I couldn't do anything. I tried to scream but I was paralised by fear. 

My vision came back but all I could think about was that woman's scream and the  fact that I actually knew someone from there. I knew very well. I   rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes, trying to calm down but even the air seemed hard to inhale. I felt sick like something inside me was trying to devour me. Was it guilt? Or fear? After a couple of minutes I got up and mentally prepared myself for the worst scenario. I run to the basement.

"Ares! Where are you? Ares!" I yelled. 

He came running to me, looking confused. 

"What happened?" he said, catching  my arms.

" I ... I saw you ... I had a vision" I said.

"What? You must have fallen asleep. That's just crazy!" he said laughing.

"No! It's true. It's not the first time it happened. Anyway, that's not important." I said .

"Well then, what did you see?" 

"I saw you " I said looking straight into his eyes. "I saw you  with her. The one who is not your chosen. "

He looked at me terrified and took a step back. 

"Why did you kill that girl, Ares? " I asked sobbing.

He just looked more taken aback by my question. His eyes started changing their color. He was looking like he was in pain. I didn't know what to do or what to believe. These last days I spent with him made me grow more attached to him. He just got under my skin. But now everything got a much darker side. 

" You wouldn't understand... I was so in love with her, and they.. they were all trying to keep her away from me! She was getting married that day.. I just.. I couldn't let that happen!" he said. 

"But she was not your beloved..." I said slowly. 

"She was my soulmate, I know it, even if faith thinks otherwise. She's the only one that can rule by my side and that is how it's going to be. Always. " he said through gritted teeth.

"And why did you kill her friend? Was that really necessary?" I almost yelled. 

"There are many things you don't know... The world I come from is different. It's full of monsters in there, and we're all demons." he said while sitting on the couch.

"'re just a monster with a good mask." I said.

"Yeah... you could say that. But don't think too big of yourself either. It all makes more sense now. That's why you were able to break the curse and set me free and also the visions. It's in your blood. " he said looking straight into my eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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