Chapter 2

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Those are the main characters Connor by Manu Rios
Nicole by Salem Koussa

Nicole's POV

I silently watched as the Mandy (the brunette)  took out her phone having no idea I was 10ft away. I waited as a bulky man jumped over the fence and picked Connor throwing him over him shoulder like a sack if potatoes.

   "Careful with him." screeched Mandy scolding the bald man probably 2 the size and age of her. I followed a few ways back as they went around the perimeter stopping by a dark van. I ran to my McLaren P1 silently thanking the Banks family for placing a locator chip inside the boys shoulder. The small screen by the gears showed the van had already started moving.

 The small screen by the gears showed the van had already started moving

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(Her Car)

I was a few car behind them before they went of road to an abandoned part of town. They slowed to a stop by a warehouse so stereotypical of criminals. I pulled up to the back of the warehouse cutting of the engine. I quickly went to the front of the car opening the trunk for my 2 Katana Knives sliding them to my back pockets (literally on her back) and my revolvers. Closing my trunk I ran to the warehouse using viewing my surroundings until I found a window 5ft off the ground. I'm 5'5 so I could see over the ledge. Looking I spotted a hallway leading to a lit room. I hosted myself up easily kicking the glass to pieces jumping through to the inside of the hallway I heard the cries of Connor "No please, No." he said over and over.

Oh shit I better hurry
I ran as fast as I could getting ready to grab the Katana knives as I kicked the door down. The surprised look on Mandy's face was priceless as she jumped 10ft in the air. In the corner of the room sat Connor tied up and the scary bald man holding a pocket knife in his right hand.

   "Who are you?" Mandy yelped at the same time a frightened Conner yelled. "Help me!"

I walked toward the henchman flashing him my gray eyes as they shown in the yellow lighting. Watching his face pale as he realization hit.

I grabbed my revolver and hit him on the side of his temple knocking him out cold. Seriously they need to train these people better whats the point of hiring an assassin if it's this easy.

Stepping over baldy I untied a gapping Connor as I turned around to deal with Mandy. She looked frightened but hid it well.

   "Try to pass me" she smirked before lunging off her left foot. I smirked although she couldn't see it with the mask I had on that covered my mouth showing only the whites of my eyes. She was moving so slow I wondered how long I would be standing their. Finally she got within a good distance wanting to finish this up as neatly as possible so I could take Connor home I delivered a round house kick that sent her flying to the room. Her head connected with the hard wood harshly knocking her unconscious.

I turned to Connor checking him over for injuries as he stood in the corner shaking probably thinking he was next. I took my hand out to him grabbing his without a second look I ran making him reluctantly follow behind. I lead him out the back window jumping out after him once my feet touched the soft grass I looked up to find Connor gone.

   Looking to the dirt road I saw him sprinting away from the van as they caught on that he was escaping. Three buff men raced after him gaining speed slowly. I ran to my car speeding off towards them the men were really fast as they were a good 6ft from Connor. I stepped on the gas the only thing in the cold silent air was the thunderous revving of the engine slowing down the men as they looked back in awe at the sight of my precious baby.

   I skillfully swerved in the car in front of Connor yelling at him to get in as I took the revolver from my sides opening my door pushing a stunned Connor to the passenger seat. Thankfully he sat down and buckled up. I heard shots fire as I looked up to them men pointing the weapons at me. The thought of being shot didn't frighten me as much as the thought of my car getting fucked up by those bastards.

  Wasted no time I shoot them both in the shoulder before they had a chance to even pulled the trigger leaving them groaning in pain as they slowly bleed out. I entered my unharmed baby looking over at a scared shitless Connor.

   "Don't be scared I'm taking you home." I assured him with a smile after taking off my mask.

He still didn't seemed convinced so I took all my weapons off me starting with my precious Katana
knives and revolvers putting them to the backseat.

   "See I'm weapon free." I spoke softly seeing the relief wash over his face. Making a brief call to the clean up crew that would arrive at any given moment. I straightened up starting the engine I spoke.

   "Now lets take you home Mr. Banks."

(Her Outfit)

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(Her Outfit)


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