a forgetful drift

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You are falling for what seems like forever, in what seems like nothing...literally, you look around and its just pitch black and you found it difficult to convince your self that your eyes are even open.
But that's not the biggest worrie right now...your falling, you don't know why, or how, or where...and its then that you realize that you don't even remember your name....you do have one right?
Well at this moment you don't know anything other than basic intelligence and the fact that your fa-.........wait......I'm not really falling, I'm more like....just existing? I don't know that I'm falling. You decide to call out for help...nothing comes out, you can't speak, you become very panicked and try to move, but you can't, in fact you can't feel anything, as you become more awake, you become more aware of the lagitamacy of the situation and begin to freak out.
you try to scream but nothing, you try to run but nothing, absolutely nothing, no gravity, no sound, not air, I'm not even breathing?! it's like a void, you feel so detached, you plea and beg for anything, a sight, a sound, even pain, but you begin to lose your train of thought, it's taken over by pure fear, as your sanity slips away and you lose your sense of time.
You have no idea how long you have been stuck like this, and how long you will remain stuck like this!
And with that You remain stuck in the void, detached and alone.

After awhile you begin to feel a pull, like your water being drained, and its the most wonderful feeling, to have any kind of feeling at all, and its not long after that, you fall to the ground, that is covered in a field of soft yellow flowers.
It was a long drop but nothing is broken, just a few scrapes, you try to look up but it wasn't long after the drop that a flood of memories storm your mind, images flash, appearing and disappearing as soon as they show up, and suddenly you recognize the area around you. " "the ruins?"
You remember a pacifist ending,
"Seems simple enough" you mumble to your self
" howdy, I'm flowey, flowey the flower" says a small yellow daisy protruding from the ground
You stare at him for a moment contemplating what to do, envisioning, stomping him to the ground, but that would mess up the pacifist route, and after a while he gives you a quizzical look.
"aren't ya going to say something back?"
You look at him and realize you've just been staring at him.
"oh, hi, I'm Jade."
You decide against stomping him into the ground and walk away rudely, continuing on to the story.
" hey, you get back here, you're very rude ya know!"
He says as he pops out of the ground in front of you. stopping you right in your tracks, and you can't help but laugh at his comment.
" yeah I'm the rude one." You say as you step over him again.
" what are you on about?"
After he says that you stopped, because It's after he says it that you realize you have no idea where you're going, usually toriel would be here to save you, but you walked away so what does this mean happens next?
As you're thinking, a sharp pain shocks your ankle, causing you to bleed, you tell and jump back in am attempt to free yourself, but to no avail, you look down to find a thorn covered vine very quickly covering your leg, and even though it's dark you can trace the vine back to flowey, who holds a empty smile staring back.

"Why don't I teach cha how to greet a friend properly?" And with that the Vines begin to tighten, causing your leg to bleed more.

You began to struggle against the restraints, but it's not long before toriel comes around the corner, and the pacifist route begins as normal.

time keeper (undertale)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang