Rap Music

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Oh man rap music. Everyone nowadays loves to listen to those great rhymin' beats. Why. WHY?! Okay, pop music is shit, but it can at least make you optimistic. Country music can maybe put you at ease. But rap? The most it does is make white kids act black by putting up shitty gang symbols that are worse than dabbing, and the music is so loud and whiny sounding that it puts you in more of a bad mood than good. Hell, I'm in a bad mood just by thinking about it. And the nerve that fans of rap music have to blast it out of their cars all the damn time just to annoy anyone around them. I'm a huge victim to annoying rap music fans. Both of my brothers love to blast this shit anywhere we go. Home, the car, fucking SPAIN. They don't care. As long as they listen to their rad ass music. There is nothing good about rap music. The music never sounds flowing or smooth, let alone good. The rappers aren't talking. They're whining. Listen to any common rap nowadays and you'll never hear one that doesn't sound close to talking human. The sad part is that the instrumentals are great (sometimes occasionally it's just four notes on a piano). The problem is that it doesn't blend at all with the rap. It has so much potential to be used in much better songs but noooooooo they just have to make these rappers have the easiest, most predictable, most simplistic music on the planet. The only thing they try on is the instrumentals and it's sadly under the shadow of the screaming banshees known as modern rappers. But strangely enough there is one collection of rap that I genuinely enjoy. Hamilton (I can hear Faith's screams from here). So, what's so good about this inferior music to the almighty XXXTENTACION? Everything. For one, they don't just use rap for the sake of using it. It's used only for monologuing and conversations, which makes its sound natural or organic. You can say that modern rap is good because they're able to go fast and make a lot of rhymes, but any person that has any knowledge of music can make a rhyme. You're not special for rhyming. Yeah, that proves Hamilton wrong too, but they don't rely on rap. Next thing is that Hamilton uses the instrumentals correctly and good. With modern rap, the two are just obnoxiously clash in this mess of a song, but Hamilton's instrumentals and rapping go together so nicely. I gotta talk about Hamilton's music for a second. It's so fuckin nice to the ears and smooth. The people who wrote it are so good at making an atmosphere in their rap, unlike modern rap, where all it is is honest to God just yelling and nothing else. Let's just say, well, THEY ACTUALLY TRY. In conclusion, modern rap is the worst music to ever grace the planet. It's horrific. It's worse than country. Yep, I said it. It's worse. Not by much, but still worse. And like country, all the music is the same. I can't ever tell a difference. Maybe because they play it so loud my ear drums can't process sound anymore.

This rant came straight from my thoughts, so sorry if it sounds messy.

Random thoughts I haveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora