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"Dear Miss Crimson Gilbert, you have been accepted to Ilvermorny academy of magic?" Crimson read, her guardians stood in absolute shock as she read. Grayson looked to Miranda, a shrug on his shoulders. "Pretty elaborate for a prank." Grayson said with a huff. Glaring at him, Crimson kept reading, but within the next few sentences, Grayson had snatched the letter from her hands. His eyes scanned the letter, before tossing it to the floor, telling Crimson to pack. Crimson stomped up the stairs, a scowl on her face. Miranda moved, placing a hand on Grayson's shoulder. "Could it be true?" Miranda asked him. 

"Maybe, I mean, we live in a world with vampires and witches, why not a school for them." Grayson said. "But how? We adopted her from people we know! They're not a witch or a warlock! How?" Miranda argued. "I don't know. But, we're sending her to Massachusetts." He said scornfully. Quickly, Crimson sped down the stairs, moving her parents to the side forcefully. "I'm going to go hang out with Marcella, be back later." She said bitterly, before slamming the door behind her.

The walk was long and took what seemed like forever, Crimson's short legs just couldn't speed up and more. When the young girl came to the familiar dark oak door, she rapped her knuckles on it, she noticed a small letter balanced on the letter box. She quickly walked over to it, plucking it from the metal trap. She turned it over and noticed the same symbol as the letter she just had confiscated from her. She ran back up to the door as it was opening. The familiar Marcella greeting the blonde, her short hair covering one of her eyes ever so slightly. "Hello, Marce." Crimson greeted, almost forgetting the letter she held in her left hand. "Hey, Crim. What are you doing here?" Marcella asked, trying not to sound rude. Crimson felt a slight pang, hit her. "Just wanted to hang out." She replied quietly. "Oh! Here." Crimson said, handing her the letter. "Uh, thanks?" Marcella said though it came out more as a question. "It had fallen from the mailbox." She explained. "Oh. Thanks." She re-stated. "What the heck is this?" Marcella asked. "I got the same thing! I was coming over to not deal with it." Crimson said, scratching the back of her head.

Marcella turned the letter over, eyeing the stamp. "Mom do you know what lvermorny is?" Marcella shouted up the stairs. A loud scream echoed through the house, before Marcella's mother, Eleanor, came bounding down the stairs, a grin plastered on her face. "Finally." She said before she sat down, explaining everything, to the young girls.

After what seemed like millennia, Eleanor was finished, the girls sat, awestruck, at the history of magic, the wizarding wars and all the schools. "Alright girls. To the park, you go!" The girls rose from the sofa and walked through the door, to the park around the corner. "Marcy, can you believe it?" Crimson said excitedly. "I know! I'm- You're- We're going to a magic school!" Marcy smiled, flipping her short hair away from her eyes. "Have you, ever tried using your magic?" Marcy asked. "It's complicated, isn't it? Doesn't make much sense at all. I wouldn't know where to start" Crimson said, swinging from the monkey bars above her. Marcy nodded, trying to jump across the bars, but missed, falling. "No!" Crimson squeaked, reaching her hand out, suddenly Marcy stopped.

She hovered just above the ground, frozen across. Marcy turned her head towards Crimson, her mouth stuck wide open. Crimson dropped down, before helping Marcy up. "Wow. I can't wait to tell mom!" Marcy shouted, running off. Crimson ran a hand through her hair, doing a double take when she saw her hairs ends. Different colours scattered through her normally blonde hair. Her eyes widened, pulling at more hair. She finally decided to just pull her hood over herself, before treading home. "What is happening?" Crimson whispered to herself.

A loud knocking echoed through the house, and Miranda Gilbert went to answer it. She was greeted by Eleanor and Marcella Nightly. "We're here to take Crimson to school." Eleanor said. "I was under the impression that Grayson and I would be taking her." Miranda said argumentatively.

"Well, Ilvermorny has plenty of No-Maj resistance charms, and you wouldn't get anywhere near where the school is, only a witch or wizard can take children unless they are a direct descendant from the No-Maj, that helped create the school." Eleanor explained. "Crimson, get your stuff!" She shouted through the house. Upstairs, Crimson was grabbing the last of her stuff, she remembered Eleanor saying that she would pick her up, take the two of them shopping and take them to the school. Grabbing her suitcase, she crammed everything in it, grabbing another bag, just in case and then trampled downstairs. "Hi Miss Nightly, Marcy. Bye mom, dad." She said, adding the last part in on the end before the 3 of them got out to the front porch.

They each grabbed one of Eleanor's hands, and suddenly they apparated to a large walkway, shops lining every side. Two distinct shops stood out, their signs read; Jonkers Wands and Wolfes wands. Eleanor lead them into the two shops, she and Marcella went into Wolfes, while Crimson went into Jonkers. Beautiful wands were hanging through the whole room, and Crimson seemed to be particularly difficult to find a wand that didn't either set something on fire or make it explode. Finally, a long wand, with mother of pearl inlays lining it, worked for the witch and she settled on it, using some of the money Eleanor gave her, she bought the wand, before she moved onto the next stores that were labelled on her list.

"Okay girls, in the cupboard." Eleanor said, pushing the two in. She shut the door behind them, casting a spell. When a few seconds had passed and nothing had happened, Marcella pushed the door open, and they were greeted by the sight of a large hall, papers on top of desks through the whole room, they sat down, filling the pages out, as more students arrived.

"Miss Gilbert. I am pleased to tell you, that all four houses would be honoured to take you. Please, make your decision."
Crimson thought long and hard, her mind filling with ideas on which house to join. "Thunderbird." The young girl finally said. They nodded to her before she was directed out.

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