Chapter 1

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"Marcy, can you believe it? We're graduating!" Crimson gushed. Her blonde hair, and green eyes turning into hues of yellow. "I know!" Marcy swooned. "Ten years of school, and we're finally done!" Marcy cheered.

"I don't think I want to go home..." She trailed off. Marcy gave a sympathetic look, rubbing her shoulder and pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." She said, squeezing her tighter. "There's a good chance I'll never see you again," Marcy said. "I know," Crimson said, tears trickling from both their eyes. "I love you, Marcy," Crimson whispered, her eyes watering onto her shoulder. "I love you too." Marcy said before the two of them apparated to their 'chosen' destination.

A sickly feeling blasted through Crimson, as she twisted and turned, apparating through the air. She soon stomped to the ground uneasily. Staring at her feet, she swallowed the lump in her throat before looking up. She stared at the house in front of her, her heartbeat increasing. Crimson gripped her wand through the sleeve of her shirt, walking towards the house slowly. She took a deep breath, before banging on the white door.

A loud banging noise rang through the house. "Damon. Get that would you." Elena shouted from the bathroom. Damon moved to the door. An erratic heartbeat and unsteady breaths filled his ears as he listened. He pulled the door open.

"And who the hell are you?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing." Crimson snapped. "Goodbye," Damon said, before closing the door.

Crimson huffed, before walking back down the path. Pulling her wand out, she apparated to the Mystic Grill. The smell of burgers echoing through the air. Walking through the door, she looked around before walking to the bar.

"Matt?" Crimson asked. "Yeah?" He questioned. "Oh my god. Crimson?" He realised. She nodded, hugging him over the bench top. "You're back, since when?" He asked. "Since about five minutes ago." She giggled. "Does Elena know?" Crimson shook her head.

"Well, how about a welcome home drink, on the house." He said, pouring a drink, sliding it across to Crimson. Grabbing the glass, she downed it in one go, slamming it down and high fiving Matt. "Still the best at making anything remotely consumable disappear!" He cheered. Crimson flashed a smile, "God, remember the tire?"

Matt laughed loudly, "I still can't believe you tried to eat a freaking tire!"

After a few more minutes of laughing and reminiscing, Crimson smiled, "I best go," She said, hugging Matt again, before waving him goodbye, walking out the door.

Crimson stood, her back against the brick wall of the building. She ran a hand through her hair, pulling her wand out again, and apparating to her parents home.

"Here we go again," Crimson said to herself.

She stomped to the front door again, scraping her knuckles on it. A few moments passed before she heard the door click, and it pulled open. Crimson looked as she saw her little 'sister' standing before her.

"Hello?" She said, looking at her. "Hey." Crimson trailed off. "Can I help you?" She asked. Crimson was heartbroken. She felt her head stinging, her eyes twitching. She pulled her hood up, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, um no. I must have the wrong house, I'm, I'm sorry." She said, starting to walk off.

Over the years Crimson had gotten quite good at controlling herself, but in times like this. Times when her emotions were so strong, she lost it. She pushed her now dark blue hair back, hiding it underneath her hoodie.

"Wait!" Elena yelled. Crimson turned, her eyes still stinging. "Crimson?" She asked. "Crimson? No, " Crimson trailed off. "Oh my god. Crim," Elena said, running to hug her.

Wanted (A TVD/HP world Crossfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin