Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

***Terra’s View***

            By the fifth time I was attacked by warrior boneheads, I was getting feed up. It was the same thing over and over. They would come up to me, call me a witch, and be killed by me. The only difference was that they kept coming in larger numbers.

            It’s like their breeding, I thought. I just finished the last one in the fifth band, and I was standing there. “ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS!” I yelled at the sky. I was seriously feed up with this planet. Eventually, I found a hut that had a mirror and a variety of tools. Now I can finally get this stupid HMF blocker off my neck. Of course, the sixth wave picked that precise moment to show up.

            “Halt you infernal witch! Get back into your cage!”

            “Seriously!” I yelled back, “Haven’t you considered that maybe your ‘gods’ are punishing you by sending me here. I mean LOOK at all of the bodies out there!”

            “LIER!” yelled back the whole band of warriors. Suffice to say, their blind faith got them killed. I’ll spare you the details, but I’ll tell you that it took a lot of slashing, dislocating, stabbing, and disemboweling.

            Finally, I was able to sit down, and use the mirror to get a good look at the HMF blocker. It was on the right side of my neck, barely within visible range. It looked almost exactly like a computer chip, except for the nettle that was embedded in my neck. I began to sharpen one of the kitchen knives so I can use it as a makeshift scalpel. I was able to make tweezers out of a fork, spoon, and twine.

            When I was ready, I angled the mirror so I could see the chip, picked up the “scalpel” and “tweezers,” and thought I wish I had aspirin right now. I slowly pushed the knife through my skin, at an angle that will cause it to be under the chip, gasping at the pain. Almost there…

            “HALT YOU INFERNAL WITCH!!!!!” My arm jerked, causing the knife to become buried in my neck

            “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” That was the last straw. My hair built up with static electricity, the HMF blocker short circuited, and lightning came down, striking the hut I was in. Now they feared me. I pulled the knife out of my neck, unaffected by the pain, and my wound was sealed by the intense heat of the room. I calmly walked out of the hut, fire coming off me.

            “Bu-u-u-bu-u-bu-u-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-b-b-b-bu-u-u-u-b-but ou-ou-our g-g-g-go-o-o-d-d-d-s…”

            “Took away my powers? Well, guess what, I’m more powerful. They fear me.” The whole band of warriors turned around and ran away from me. I smiled. I spent the next few minutes sealing up the Wanderer’s bite marks, finally. When the surge of adrenalin subsided, I felt like collapsing. I must have overexerted myself, I though tiredly. Before I crumbled to the ground, I used the last of my energy to create stone walls around me, and burrow in the ground so that I may use geothermal energy as a substitute for food. I drifted off to sleep…

***Alex’s View***

            After leaving Esmeralda’s estate (she seemed to vanish, so we still did not have any clue where Terra was), we went back to Siren’s home.

            “I thought you said instantaneous transportation could be dangerous, so why am I all right?” I asked.

            “I did, but you seem to be able to do so instinctively, or at least over short distances.”

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