Jake Dufner Imagine **Request**

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Requested By: GabrielleChartrand

Plot: Jake, his best friend Paige Winchester, Ademir, and Mikey go to the KKK church, but instead of Ademir getting possessed, it's Paige.

(Paige's POV)

Jake, Ademir, Mikey, and I were going to do a 3AM challenge for Jake's channel. Yay. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"What's wrong Paige?" Jake asked.

"I'm tired," I responded.

"Sorry about that," Ademir said.

"It's cool. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Some old KKK church," Mikey said. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Instagram. What? I need something to do.

**Time skip brought to you by Stanley The Unicorn**

We arrived at the church and we got out of the car. I already had weird vibes.

"Hell no," I said.

"What?" Ademir asked.

"I just got the fucking chills," I told him.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," Jake said. I looked down at my shoes and blushed. I was madly in love with this boy. But, would be ever like me back?

"Whatever, Dufner," I said. We hiked a bit until we found a good spot to put the Ouija board. Jake was clogging, but I wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying.

"Who's playing?" Jake asked.

"I'll play," I replied.

"I will too," Ademir said. We all agreed that Manfs was gonna be the camera man.

Me, Jake, and Ademir put our fingers on the planchette.

"Are there any spirits bare that are willing to contact us tonight?" Jake asked, the planchette slowly moved to 'yes.' This damn thing gives me chills everytime I play.

"Damn. That was fast," I said.

"Yeah, it was," Ademir agreed.

"What is your name?" Jake asked. The planchette spelled out 'Sutton.' Jake, Ademir, and I looked at each other.

"God, this shot is sketchy," I said.

"I'm not scared of it," Jake said.

"Yo, it's a spirit, it's gonna make you scared of it," Mikey said.

"I'm not scared," Mikey said.

"He's right, though," Ademir said. A loud scream could be heard. That's when some force took over my body, I couldn't move. I wasn't me.

"What the fuck was that?" Jake asked.

(Jake's POV)

Paige took her fingers off of the planchette. Why the fuck did she do that?

"Paige, what the Hell? Why did you take your fingers off?" Ademir asked, she didn't respond. Pave walked towards the sound of the scream.

"She's fucking with us," Ademir said.

"It don't matter, she'll get scared and turn around," Manfs said. I hopes he's right, Paige is my everything. I can't afford loosing her...

We waited a minute, nothing, Paige wasn't back yet. Me, Manfs, and Ademir ran to find her.

"Paige!" I yelled. Nothing.

"Where are you?!" Manfs shouted. I saw a figure standing on top of a shed. It was Paige. Tears welled up in my eyes. I can't loose her.

"Paige, don't do it!" Ademir shouted.

"Please don't, don't do it!" I yelled. Paige didn't even look like herself. She looked absolutely miserable, she's always happy. This isn't her.

"How the fuck did you even get up there?!" Mikey yelled. Paige didn't answer, she just looked at the ground.

The next thing she did scared the shot out of me. She jumped. We all let out a terrified scream, then we ran up to her. She was shaking and avoiding the light. Paige stopped shaking, then she started sobbing.

"Get him away from me!" Paige said. She scooted to closet person to her, which was me. I wrapped my arms around her then I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Get who away? I assure you nobody's here," I told her.

"Sutton," Paige said. Mikey, Ademir, and I looked at each other.

"Was he there with you? Or was he in your head?" I asked.

"He was there, he told me to kill myself," Paige said, she sniffled a bit at the end. My grip on her got tighter.

"You okay?" Ademir asked, Paige nodded her head and tried to smile. That's it. I nee- no, HAVE to tell her.

"Never do that again, I love you too much to loose you," I said.

"I love you too, Jake, we're best friends," Paige replied.

"No! I love you more than a friend," I said, she blushed and looked up at me.

"You do?" Paige asked, I nodded my head, then she smiled. "I love you too, more than a friend."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Of course!" Paige replied.

"Finally!" Mikey exclaimed. I gave him a weird look.

"What? We've waiting for this for too weeks!" Ademir said.

"Alright. Let's go assholes!" Mikey said in his accent.

I'm glad this is over.

(A/n: Yes, I got my first request done, I am gonna work on the others now. They'll be out today or tomorrow, depends on my schedule. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this imagine, if you have any requests just comment or message me, I check both. Deuces!)




Jake Dufner, Mikey Manfs, Ademir Adamo Imagines **Requests Closed**Where stories live. Discover now