Chapter 2

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I stand in front of my 'new home'. It's a dark place, the curtains hang low, a blood red color imprinted. It has a dark vibe. The walls seem to whisper words of fearful, dark things.

Wondering the halls of a mansion is something I've always wanted to do. I've always dreamed of mansions being like a palace. One like the king's and queen's. I thought they'd be magical, something so beautiful.

But this, this was terrifying. I wanted out of here. There was no way out. I was stuck.

"Follow me," The strange man says.

I nod my head, slowly trailing behind. I try remembering every door, every exit. At least I know the way out now. He leads me to another dark room, the walls a charcoal black brick.

"Get some sleep," He says, "You start working tomorrow."


I wake up, the sunlight hitting my eyes. Here comes a day of work. You're doing this for the family, I remind myself.

I sit up, looking around. Clothes are placed out for me to work in. I slowly stand up and walk over to the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed.

Looking through the clothes, I see a dress. It's the type of dress maids wear for cleaning. It's old and ripped, the color faded. I silently walk into the bathroom, slipping the old rag on.

I've only seen myself once in a mirror. But like this, never. Never a full length mirror before. The white haired girl reflecting off, her face slightly freckled, her eyes ice blue.

This is me.

The white haired, freckled faced, icy blue eyed girl is me. I'm the slave of a dark man, a man who took me from my home. I have no idea what I'll have to do for this man. All I know it's for the family.

I walk to his office as instructed. I tap on the door, "Come," I hear him say.

I open the large wooden door, stepping into his office. The walls are a dark rosewood, the low draped curtains blood red. I stare at him sitting behind his desk. He continues to write on papers, ignoring my presence.

I cough, stating I'm in the room. He finally looks up, his eyes piercing.

"Go clean the dining room," He says, shooing me away.

I look around, noticing the name plate on his desk. Damien, it reads. I hear him tapping his fingers on the wooden surface of his desk. Oh yes, cleaning. Walking out of his office, I head over to the dining room.

The dining room is huge, the curtains like the rest, a long, black stone table sits in the center of the room. A large fire place burns across the room. I see a wooden bucket and a cloth sitting on the table. I slowly walk over to it, looking into the wooden bucket. Water filled to the brim. I lift up the handle of the bucket and place it on the floor. I then pick up the rag and dip it into the cold water.

I slowly scrub the floors of Damien's palace. You can tell that they haven't been cleaned in a while. Running the rag slowly against the floor, the water making the floor clear from dust, I sigh. This is going to be the rest of my life.


(A/N): I know this is SUPER short, but I needed to get a chapter out. The next one is going to be longer and more exciting I promise!

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