Chapter 3

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"Every fairytale has a bloody outline. Everyone has teeth and claws."

Hadis' POV
*A Few Months Later*

"You've always loved this, Diablo," I whisper soothingly to my horse.

His fire mane brightens the room as I brush him with a brush made from volcanic ash.

"We're going over to Death's house today," I whisper, "He has a new maid. No one knows why he has those silly maids."

Diablo lifts his head at me and makes a soft noise. He can understand my words, he's my friend, my family. Born from the fires of Tartarus, my father's kingdom, he's the only one I love.

I haven't seen my father in years after Death and The Dark One locked him away. My mother, Persephone, died giving birth to me. I've tried to reach and reason with my father, but he's already too deep in the hole of darkness.

I throw a saddle on Diablo's back, and swing my legs over, "To Death's house."

I've always loved Death's house with the dark vibe. What can I say? I was born in the dark flames of the underworld.

Swinging my legs off Diablo, I stare up at the familiar mansion. I walk up to the mansion's dark front door and ring the doorbell. The door swings open. As I expected to see Death, instead, a girl with dark rags on.

I see her eyes widen, and I get a good look at her face. She looks oddly familiar, like an old friend.

"Hadis?" She whispers as her eyes roam to Diablo, and I realize who she is.

"Snow? You're his maid?" She nods her head, "How did this happen?"

"Long story. I've been here for months now. I'm seriously tired of this place." She laughs, "You friends with Damien?"

"You don't know, do you?" I ask. If he's glamoured himself to human form, she wouldn't realize it's Death.

"What don't I know?"

Death makes his way to the door. I need to get her out of here. I don't know what he wants with her, but she's not sticking around to find out.

Just in time I whisper, "I'm going to get you out of here."

"Ah, Hadis! Welcome." Death's deep voice rings out. "Snowella, thank you, for getting the door."

Snow nods her head and walks out. Death leads me to his office and sits down in his chair. I sit on top of his desk, fiddling with his papers laid out.

How am I suppose to get Snow out without him noticing? What can I do? There's always a deal behind these maids. Her family was hungry. Snow probably accepted the deal. Question is, what does Death want with her?

"Hadis? Did you hear a single thing I've said?" I now realize that he was speaking, not that I cared though. I just want Snow out.

"Sorry, I was thinking." I answer. "The maid, how has she been doing over these months?"

"Snowella? She's been doing very well. She works hard," He says, looking bored with the question.

Rolling my eyes, I ask another question, "Why her though? What deal did you make with her family?"

He gives me a stern look, "I'm simply interested in her. She has a bright future you know. I agreed to give the family food."

"And that's it? They just handed her over?"

"She took the deal herself. I wasn't surprised by that though." He scribbles on a couple papers before looking up at me, "You're never interested in my maids. Why this one?"

There's three ways to answer this question. One; tell the truth. Two; make a small lie. Three; escape the question by leaving the room. I chose number three. I can escape the room and let Snow go.

He stares at me, waiting for my answer, "I should go check on Diablo, he's probably hungry."

I grab a bag of apples out of the kitchen. I walk our and throw Diablo an apple that he easily catches in his mouth. Leaving the bag at the front door, I make my way to the room all the maids stay in.

I softly knock on the door, "Snow?"

Not hearing a response, I open the door softly. She stands in front of an old mirror, looking at herself silently. I look around the room and spot a brush. We don't say any words as I brush her hair. The white strands go smoothly through the brush.

"Snow..." I sigh, "Why did you take the deal?"

"Wouldn't you?" Her voice is soft and tiny.

I sigh again, "If I knew how you were working for, I wouldn't."

She doesn't answer for a while. I look around for ways to Snow out. I see the perfect way: out the window.

"Who is he? Damien, I mean." She whispers.

"All will be explained later, but for now, I need to get you out of here."

"No! I have to stay! If my family doesn't get food, they will for sure die."

"I will feed them. I promise." Snow nods her head, "You're going to go through that window and run. Run until you find the Enchanted Forest."

Leading her to the window, I open the double window doors. We both look down to the ground off the balcony.

"Well, go on." I push her.

Snow laughs, "You never change, do you?"

"Nope! Now up!"

"I'll break everything if I jump from here!"

I whistle, and Diablo comes flying over, "He'll catch you, I promise."

She huffs, but gets on the railing. She looks at me and I nod. I see her jump off the railing, and I whistle as loud as I can. Diablo flys down and catches her.

I tell her to go, to run. She does as told and I promised I would see her again.

Death's POV

Hadis knows her, I remember seeing her with Snowella. I watch as Hadis grabs apples from the kitchen and throws one at her horse. She walks into the maid's room and I already know what is going to happen.

I smell smoke coming from the room and make my way over. Stupid, stupid Hadis. She didn't use the spell on her hair! Now my house is on fire, wonderful. Snowella is gone, and I see Hadis standing there in the window.

My Dear Snowella (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang