Chapter 4

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I stood there on the window ledge, thinking of what I would say to Damien. Would he be mad? Yes. Would he want to kill me? Probably. He will probably send you to Rumple. Like I care. Then, stop talking in your head and talk to him!

"Hey, Damien! Long time no see!" Good job Hadis, now he will really kill you!
He doesn't say a word, which scares me, and walks over to where I'm standing. Instead of saying anything, I see Damien lean over the balcony, looking down. I watch him as he straightened himself back up, walking out.

"You know you're paying for this," He says in a monotone, walking out the door.
Diablo makes a soft noise, reminding me that the house is on fire, and I should probably go before The Dark One gets here. Swinging my legs over the balcony, I look down and whistle as I push myself off the railing, and land on the back of Diablo.

I ran. I ran until I found the enchanted forest.
I stumble over a tree root. Instantly, my hands are in front of me, stopping my fall. I slowly get back up, looking at feet.

I hear a soft, old voice, "Are you okay, my dear?"
Slowly lifting up my head, I look to see who the person is. I stare at an older woman, her hair falls grey on her shoulders, but her eyes are young. A beautiful necklace is worn around her neck, while her clothes are ripped.

"Come, my dear. I just made dinner," She stretches out her hand, "My name is Glinda."
I oddly trust her, "Snowella."

I take her hand, standing up. Glinda leads me through the forest. Soon enough, we come to a house. Two big trees line the front of the house as if the house grew from the tree. Branches surround the house like a nest.

She leads me into her house and I stare at awe. Her house is filled with books, various jars containing little things, and what seems to be a brewing pot in the center. It seems warm, with the fire place well lit and a couch with few pillows above a rug. On that couch sat a boy seemed to be my age. With his brown, sleek hair and his blue eyes, he could be mistaken as royalty.

His blue eyes were fixed on me, "Hello," He extends his hand for me to shake.

"Snowella," I nod, shaking his hand.

"David," He nods back.

"You look a lot like royalty to me," I whisper, "The way you look I mean. I might as well call you Charming," I laugh.

Charming laughs back at me. I realize Glinda isn't behind me anymore. She's now sat at a table with food in front of her. Charming grabs my hand and brings me over and for the a while we sit, talking and eating.
"That's one of my favorite spell books," Glinda smiles at me. I spiked an interest in her books.
I set the spell book back into it's place and grab another called Worlds Beyond Worlds. Flipping through the pages in awe, I read about each world on different stars, planets, and universes. The World With Three Walls one of the pages read.

"No one wants to live there, my dear. The people shield themselves from titans with three giant walls. The outdoors beyond the third wall is off limits to everyday people," Glinda explains to me. 

 I nod my head and set down the book. It is now dark outside. She offers for me to say and I accept. I spend my night in this house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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