Chapter 2: Diagon Alley Or Diagonally?

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(A/N): Just before we start this chapter, I would like to give a shoutout to alex_link_. We are friends IRL and he has only recently joined Wattpad and began writing a story. I would really appreciate it if you guys could check him out. Also, here's a short list of some other people I would like to mention: 

SplayElephant9tis_i_saffyYouCanCallMeEchotaehyungbitches and DracosBitch1.


{Previously in ANBU at Hogwarts}

The wizard then continued to instruct ninja to hold onto the fox plush until told otherwise, and of course, Hagrid joined them by holding onto one of the nine tails with his large hands.

As the group of five began to disappear, a shadow jumped from a nearby tree and followed them into the world of witchcraft and wizardry.


The sun set over a silent street, a hanging sign that read 'The Leaky Cauldron' began to sway as the nearby air distorted. A brief white flash revealed an old wizard, a beastly man and 3 confused ninja. Fox, Raven and Slug were surprised to say the least but they continued the mission despite their confusion.

Hagrid walked past Dumbledore, straight into the entrance of the run down pub. Slug was the first to speak,

"If you don't mind me asking Dumbledore-san, but where are we?"

"We are in England, specifically London, and I do believe that we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I am the current headmaster of Hogwarts, now, would you mind introducing yourselves?"

Fox stepped forward and bowed, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, but please call me by my code name, Fox." He straightened before gesturing towards Sasuke,

"The one to my left is Sasuke Uchiha, code name Raven," Raven bowed as his name was called,

"And to my right is Sakura Haruno, code name Slug," following her teammates' example she also bowed. Dumbledore nodded, pleased at the ninjas' willingness to share their identities.

"Well, Fox, Raven, Slug I will be showing you where you will be staying 'till term starts. Once you enter, the bartender, Tom, will give you some money and tell you what school supplies you need to purchase." He paused waiting for the shinobi to digest the information,

"However, I must warn you that Harry Potter and his friends are also staying at the Leaky Cauldron, and I would rather that you don't meet them until you are disguised as students. Anyways, I will reunite with you three in a week's time when the term begins." With a loud crack, Dumbledore disappeared.

Fox, Raven and Slug entered the pub and walked towards the bar. Behind the bar stood an old man, although not nearly as old as Dumbledore, polishing a glass beer mug. The shinobi assumed that the man behind the counter was the Tom that Dumbledore had mentioned, and they immediately approached the balding man.

"Excuse me?" Fox asked as he stood in front of Tom,

"Well you must be those ninja folk that Dumbledore told me about," He said, flashing a toothy smile,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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