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Credence had no idea what he was doing.

Wandering through the Africa desert, Credence was following Newt, who seemed to have a good idea of what he was doing, but it had been a week, and it felt like Credence had gone nowhere. He ran his fingers through his hair, wishing it was thinner. He had been thrilled when his hair had grown back out of his bowel cut, but he was now beginning to see it's advantages. 

Newt didn't speak, which was a relief to Credence. Most people would fill the need to fill the void with words, which annoyed Credence. Newt's silence gave Credence time to think and pull himself together.

"Have you ever been to Africa?" Credence asked. "Once," Newt said with a strained voice. 

"What happened?"

"I met an Obscurial."

Credence froze at the words. He had heard of the girl before when he first met Newt. Newt had told him that he met a girl just like him. "What was she like?"

"Her name was Sinnie. Her tribe of people locked her away when they found out about her magic. She tried to conceal it, and I met her in the same situation that you were in. I tried to help her, but it was too late. She died in my arms after I pulled her Obscurus out."

Newt's voice was clipped as he spoke, as if not wanting to reveal too much about Sinie's past.

"Sinnie... that's the middle name of your daughter!" Credence realized. A curt nod was all he got in reply.


"It should be in here," Newt said, gesturing to a rather large stone. The stone was lying on a hill, and to Credence, it looked ordinary, but Newt seemed to think otherwise. He wiped away the sand to reveal some sort of inscription. He tapped his wand to the stone, and the inscriptions began to rotate until it revealed a message.

In order to be granted passage, answer my riddle.

As I was going to St. Ives,

I met a man with seven wives,

Each wife had seven sacks,

Each sack had seven cats,

Each cat had seven kits:

Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,

How many were there going to St. Ives?

"What?" Credence scanned over the riddle again. "That makes no sense!" Newt did not reply. He only stared at the riddle, as if he could make the answer appear if he stared hard enough. There were several minutes in silence before Newt finally spoke. "It's a trick."


"Think about it. If you were heading to St. Ives, you would have met the man heading in the opposite direction with his wives. So it wouldn't matter how many kits, cats, sacks and wives there were. That's not the question. The real question is how many of them were heading to St. Ives. And since they were heading in the opposite direction, the answer is none, because none of them were heading to St. Ives."

With those words, the center of the boulder caved in to reveal a staircase. Newt climbed down, Credence close behind.

They ran into a stone door with another inscription. 

Riddle me this:

You die then you find yourself in limbo, and you see two doors. One of them leads you to hell and the other one heaven. They are being guarded by two guardians. The guardian guarding the doorway to heaven always tells the truth and the guardian guarding the doorway to hell always lies. What is the one question you will ask to either of the guardians to find out which door will lead you to heaven?

Newt hardly even hesitated. "I would ask one guardian, 'If I asked the other guardian which door leads to heaven, what would he tell me?'" The door swung open. Credence stared at him curiously. Newt shrugged. "Mum used to give me riddles all the time. I've heard that one before."

The walked down the corridor and ran into another door.

The Final Riddle:

You are trapped in a room with no doors and no windows. In the room, there is only a mirror and a table.

How do you escape?

Newt scrunched his brows in concentration. "I've heard this one before... it's a play on words... it's been so long," Newt muttered to himself. Credence could have sworn he saw the gears in Newt's head turning. Newt suddenly lit up and grinned in triumph.

"You look in the mirror. You see what you saw. You take the saw and saw the table in half. Two halves make a whole. Jump through!"

The door swung open and a loud growl echoed through the corridor.

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