[Chapter Five]

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The doors unlock with a satisfying click, allowing Jughead to calmly open the door and step outside into to the chilly night air. Not to his surprise, Archie steps out of the car door and makes his way to stand next to the raven haired beauty.

"What happened when I left."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore."


"No Archie." Jughead sighs before beginning to walk in the opposite direction of the car.

"Where are you going?"

"To get food. There's a Convenience store by the exit we just past."

"Fine let's go."

"I was going with or without you."

The two start to walk in silence, Jughead having nothing to say anymore. He said his piece, and he let it be. It's going to be a while before Jughead was willing to open up to the redhead again, and right now all he wants is a pack of skittles and a slushee.

"How'd you know there's a convenience store over here?"

"I know the route to get home, Archie"

"So that means you come to that bar often?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why this one? There's probably ten million bars closer to you but you decide to go to the one in the place you hate most."

"Archie, I don't feel like doing this."

"I don't care."

Jughead just shakes his head in response as they continue to walk up the exit and make their way into the main service road where the convenience store is just across the street.

"Shouldn't we wait for like a light or something?" The redhead asks nervously, watching the cars fly down the street quickly.

"There is no light over here, it's down the street and that won't help us."

"So then why don't we just walk down the street and cross there, yeah?"

Jughead rolls his eyes before taking Archie's hand and quickly running across the first two lanes of the street, laughing at the heavy stomps of their feet and Archie's surprised scream. As soon as they make it to the short cement divider in the middle Archie takes his hand away and crosses his arms over his chest.

"You can't just do that! We could've died!"

"But we didn't, and besides there's no turning back now. There's only two lanes to cross left but if you can do it without my help go ahead, big boy."

"I never needed your help." Archie huffs, causing Jughead to raise his eyebrows before an evil grin takes over his face.

"Okay then." He shrugs before looking out into the street and making a run for it, landing safely on the other side in front of the convenience store.

"Jughead! Really?!"  Archie screams in frustration, throwing his hands up wildly. Jughead giggles and shrugs, leaning against the brick wall of the store.

"C'mon mister, 'I never needed your help'."

Archie bites his lip, immediately regretting saying that. He should've known Jughead would have done that, he's always been a cheeky piece of shít.

But he's always loved that about him.

Anxiety bubbles up in his chest as he frantically looks for an empty spot between the fast raveling cars that show no sign of stopping. He isn't supposed to be doing these types of things, he's honestly supposed to be resting. That's what he agreed to, but obviously plans changed the minute he saw the raven haired beauty stumble out of the bar.

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