I hate myself//Daniel

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  (Massive trigger warning: if you are affected by anything cutting or suicide related then please do not ever read this🔴🔴)

"I'm sorry" I whisper as the blade continuously cuts through my skin. My phone still lit up in one corner of the room. My boyfriend had gone out with his friends and I made the mistake of looking through my Twitter and Instagram. I was so done with the hate and how much I hated myself. I cut deeper. The decision was made in my mind. The world just wasn't for me. I got up from the floor. I rocked back and forth dizzily from the blood loss. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of pills. The water bottle on the counter came back to the room with me, along with the pills. I just had one thing left to do, say goodbye. I turned on my camera and started to record. The video was soon uploaded and the first pill was sliding easily down my throat.

Meanwhile with Him and his friends
down the street.

"I really love her" I say to everyone who's beside me. DING.
All  of our phones go off at the same time and as I pull my phone out I see that y/n posted a video. I click on it quickly. I immediately start walking home when the thumbnail is y/n crying. The walk turns into a jog as I see the title 'Goodbye' I click on the video one more time and it starts to play. Y/n's unstable voice starts to speak. "I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore." I can see the blood dripping down her arms. "NO" I yell as I start to run. I keep listening to the video. "Daniel" my heart beats quicker when I hear my name. "Just know that I love you like crazy, there's no doubt in my mind that you're the love of my life. But the thing is, you're are the only ones who like and love me. Everyone else even my parents Hate me!" She starts crying hysterically. "I guess that led to me hating myself. So goodbye to everyone. Daniel, I will always love you." I see the bottle of pills behind her and start pushing my way forcefully through the people and make it to the house. I slam the door open, running to our room. My feet hitting the ground with every step, harder and harder.
"Y/N! NO COME BACK, Y/N!" I shout loudly as I see her laying on the floor. I run and fall beside her. My friends all come beside me. "You, call 911." I point at him and he already has the phone in his hands. "Hey check her pulse" I yell. "She's alive" he says as he feels her wrist. I put my hand over the cuts, trying to stop the bleeding. I pull her into my arms, her body laying limp. By the time I go to say something else, I can hear the sirens outside.

                    5 hours later
I open my eyes to a bright light. I was scared and that was all I knew. tears come to my eyes. My eye blink a few times and I start to cry more. I struggle to sit up and soon see the bed and light blanket over me. I was in the hospital. I'm alive.The light beep the machine beside me makes is the only sound I can hear for a second but, then I hear His voice in the hall. I try to call his name loudly but it comes out as a croak. "I need you" I cry. I see the door open and see the tired in his eyes. The second his eyes see mine he sprints to my bedside, wrapping me in a bone crushing hug. We stay like that for a a full minute in silence. I don't want to let go. "I need you" I whisper. "You have me ok?" He asks "I'm not going anywhere, ever!" He exclaims loudly. I start to cry leaning back into his hug. "I'm so sorry, I was just, I hate myself so much." I say while crying uncontrollably. "Okay but I love you so much" he says as he wipes a tear away with his thumb. "And no matter what, I'm always going to be here but, you need to promise me that you will NEVER do something like this ever again. I know it's hard and that it feels like it's never going to get better but it will, I'm here and I'm not going to leave you. You're the love of my life." He climbs into the hospital bed and I rest my head in his shoulder. "I promise that I will never do this again. You mean too much to me." I say with a small smile. "I'm going to help you get better ok?" He says with a bit of  happiness in his voice. "We're gonna get you happy again" He kisses me on the cheek. "You make me happy" I add. "Let's get you to the point where life makes you happy" he says while holding my hand. "You think it's possible?" I ask doubtfully. "Anything is possible when we have each other
y/n" He whispers sweetly.

2 months later
"Come on, catch up!" I yell back to Him whose right behind me. The waves of the ocean beside us and the sand under our feet makes this perfect. He tackles me onto the sand and I smile as our noses touch. "Caught you" He says while laughing. I smile happily as he pulls me up. He leads me towards the water as we sit on the sand, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm around me. I was happy. Life seemed worth living because I not only had Him but I was living life with Him. I kiss his cheek and he smiles down at me. "I love you" we say at he same time. "JINX" we yell while laughing. "I'm going to love you forever" he says out of nowhere as we lay on the sand. Side by side from laughing. "You made forever possible" I reply while putting my head on his chest. He pulls me close. I never want to let go and thankfully neither of us has to.
This one hit me in the feelings.
I'm always here to talk to you guys. I understand more than I let on, just please never think you have to do this whole life thing alone. I'm always here to talk to.
For: @AliceChristie456

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