'Ello Old Chaps *sips tea*

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So flower-baby tagged me .

Rules :
You have to post the rules . (even a screenshot is fine)
You can't tag the person who tagged you back .
You can't refuse the challenge .
You have exactly one week to do this ...
You got to do it in a book, not in a comment section or someone's wall .
List 13 things about yourself .
Have a creative title .
Tag 13 people .
Don't change the rules .

1. I have social anxiety.
2. I actually have a great singing voice, according to the few people who have heard me sing.
3. I love watching America's Got Talent and Britain's Got Talent on YouTube and I hope to audition in a couple of years, maybe when I graduate from high school.
4. I have a diary that I write in frequently and plan on writing something every day once high school starts in August.
5. I'm afraid of the dark and small,  confined spaces.
6. I'm currently doing a play through of an old copy of Pokemon Diamond, but I'm lazy and haven't gone to the Elite Four yet.
7. I actually prefer the 2ps over the 1ps in Hetalia.
8. My favorite types of magic in Fairy Tail are Dragon Slayer, Celestial Spirit, Take Over, and Illusion.
9. I'm a huge science and history nerd.
10. I still like watching the shows I grew up with, such as Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, Teen Titans, and Courage the Cowardly Dog.
11. I love the paranormal, even though I'm not like some people who like to screw around with what they don't understand.
12. I have a really wierd sideways cross birthmark on the left side of my body. According to some research a friend of mine did, sideways crosses are a sign of mourning in Norse mythology.
13. My first manga was Volume 1 of the Yugioh Zexal manga.

I tag :
TophatWolfie(have fun with your first tag !)
-TheKnifeWhore-(please don't murder me)

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