Storytime : My Middle School Bully

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I've been bullied my whole life, but the bully I had last year (8th grade) was the worst one I've had yet. So here I am, telling the story of my middle school bully.

I've only known this guy for about a year, and he was in my 4th, 5th, and 6th period classes, which happened to be my math, language arts, and social studies classes in that particular order. Let's call him Alex for now. Alex was one of the cool popular kids that had a lot of friends. He played a couple of sports too. It all started around October in my math class.

We were finishing work on the white boards and I was heading back to my seat, when he "tripped" and "accidentally" grabbed my ass. My teacher was in the pod talking to another teacher at the time, so he didn't see it. I was extremely pissed off and cussed him out in front of the whole class, minus my math teacher of course. Everything else went smoothly that day, and I told my mom and grandma what happened. Both of them were pretty angry.

Around November, he started to verbally and physically abuse me during the three classes we shared, especially my core (language arts and social studies) class, as I unfortunately sat next to him. He kicked me under the desk, tried knocking me out of my seat, and called me some pretty hateful things on a daily basis. This went on until the middle of December, a couple of weeks before school let out for Winter Break. That particular day, a cold Thursday, he tried knocking me out of my chair and called me a bitch, slut, and a whore during my core class. The students that sat around us did nothing but encourage him.

That day, I went home in tears. When I told my mom what happened, she immediately called up the school so I could go in and talk to the principal. The next day, I was a nervous wreck. My friends helped me get through the day, and a couple of my friends even offered to kick his ass for me. My math class went smoothly, but I broke down during lunch near the counselor's office.

Some of my 7th grade friends found me, along with some of my 8th grade friends. They also brought along my core teacher, who I'll call Mrs. B for now. Mrs. B lead me to the principal's office so I could talk to her. She sent me home early so I could calm down, as I was on the verge of having an anxiety attack. My cousin picked me up early that day, and gave me some encouraging words that I'll never forget to this day.

On the Monday that I came back, I was moved as far away from Alex as possible. I also learned that Alex would have 5 days of detention, along with the possibility of not graduating due to behavior points. He didn't bother me at all during the rest of the school year, which I'm thankful for. At the end if the year awards ceremony for 8th graders, he somehow got an award for "kindness". How that even happened, I have no idea.

My grandma wasn't too happy about it either and probably would've caused a scene if she knew who he was. I still have no idea why he chose to target me out of all people. Maybe it was because I was a nerd who also conveniently had a blood disorder. I'll probably never be able to find out for myself, as I continue to avoid Alex like the plague because we go to the same high school. Luckily, he's not in any of my classes, and I can't wait to move at the end of the school year so I can leave Alex and this experience behind me.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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