Chapter 21

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I'm feeling paranoid and think that some people may have missed chapter 20 because when I updated it took you straight to the IMPORTANT. So just in case, please go back right now and check to make sure you didn't miss it.

Emma's POV

     After spending a good five minutes stretching, Tink and I each take half of the room to go through our solos. I practice hard and keep my steps very precise. Killian comes in sometime while we practice but we keep going.

By the time I finish my solos, my feet are aching and I'm sweating hard. I look to the other half of the room and see Tink sitting with her feet in front of her. She looks the same as me; sweaty and tired.

"Good form, ladies. I didn't detect any sloppiness. Now can you give me the same energy and agility if you do it again?"

We nodded and went back to our respective positions. The first time took us a good twenty minutes. Killian wants us to do it again, just as good in the same time. The first time we were full of energy. Now we're tired. I can do this, I like pushing myself. If I'm going to be dancing hard for two hours at the productions, I should be able to do it for forty minutes.

     I'm sweating even more and my face is flushed when I finish this time. My bun is a little loose and I quickly redo it to make sure it doesn't come undone. I glance at Tink and she, once again, looks exactly like I do.

"I'm proud, you lasses gave it your all and finished in the same time," Killian says. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and try to get my heart rate down. Inhale through the nose, exhale out the mouth, "I think you two can do it one more time."

I could feel my stomach drop a little when he said that. I go back to my starting position and look in the mirror.

The thumbs up that she gives me fuels and gives me the adrenaline that I need. No distractions. I won't let her ruin this for me.

     My legs shake and my heart is hammering as soon as I finish my third set of solo practice. I can feel myself sweating everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I really hope that Killian doesn't make us do it again. I would still do it but I'm drained. He gave us interludes that were barely a minute.

"Nicely done. Go ahead, get water, and be back here in five minutes."

Tink and I run as fast as we can out the door and to the water fountain. Hey! Jefferson got another one installed too! He probably did that yesterday while everyone was at wardrobe.

We spend a solid two minutes drinking the cool water before heading back and laying on the floor. My chest is still heaving from having danced a lot, but I feel refreshed. I close my eyes and listen to Killian's voice,

"I appreciate that there was no decrease in energy when you danced, even though you were tired. I expect the same energy at every practice and especially when we go onstage. You both are dismissed, have a good evening." Tink and I head to the door to get our things. Before she leaves I lightly grab her wrist,

"Good job, Tink." The right corner of her mouth lifted up for a second,

"You too." Then she left.

I'm in no rush to go home, so I sit down and roll my neck and shoulders. My muscles are aching and my feet are on fire. I unlace my pointe shoes and slip them off my feet. I sigh when the cool air hits my feet. I take out my bun and run my fingers through my hair until the cascade down my back in loose waves.

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