About Skylar

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Heyyo! Im Sky, my full name is Skylar Roseanna Rox

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Heyyo! Im Sky, my full name is Skylar Roseanna Rox. Im 17 years old, my birthday is April 19th, Im an Aries. I have a Pitbull puppy named Luna and she is the sweetest thing (Picture above). She doesn't bite or harm anyone, she doesn't even hunt animals, despite my best efforts in trying to get her to hunt for me. 

-I was alone until Carl found me in the wood. Apparently they just had been on a very safe farm until a ​​​​​​​huge hoard of Walkers broke in and the group ended up having to leave quickly. We were on the road for a while and being in the car so much me and Carl became close. The car we were in also had Rick, who was driving, Lori who was in the passenger seat and then us two in the back seat. In the other car was Glenn, Maggie, Hershel, and Beth. Then in the last one was Carol and T-Dog, Daryl drove his motorcycle. It took the group 2 weeks to completely trust me, it only took 1 to trust them and 2 days to trust Carl same for Carl in return. Me and him are close now, when we are on the road in the car we are either play some kind of game or napping. We somehow mentally keep each other from complain and becoming depressed from the lack of food and water. 

Once we found the prison Carl and I helped clear out the court yard. Us being one of the best shots in the group. Since it was cold out and we didn't have much to keep us warm the 2 night we slept out in the court yard, Carl had the idea- so did i but i didn't say it aloud, to stay close to each other to keep warm. We were friends so we both say the same out look on it, it was harmless and there was 'no' romantic feelings. 

We both helped clear out each section of the prison, starting with cell block C. That day all we had were smiles. I waited for Beth to pick a cell first so I could stay with her. There were only enough 'clean' cells for 2 people to share with for the time being and nobody had any objections, everyone liked knowing there was someone there watching their back. I shared with Beth for 2 nights until people got moved around and I ended up sharing with Carl, nobody said anything, ignoring that a teen guy and girl were sharing a cell. I found it weird and Carl did to but we both knew nothing would happen and the adult did too. 

When Hershel lost his leg Carl and I weren't there we were carefully exploring the prison, we came across a bunch of places and wrote them down quickly so we could write it down neater later. We grabbed supplies later for them to fix Hershel but Lori got super mad for us going out. I told her off and how we were technically adults and she couldn't tells us what to do anymore. Carl backed me up on it. 

If you couldn't tell we do everything together and always back each other up and we have now known each other for about 7 months, yes because Now Lori has Judith and sadly dies, I wasn't there but sadly Carl was. - that means she was 9 months pregnant I met the group at 2 months so yes me and carl have been friends for 7 months- Loosing his mom would've messed him up but having to kill his mom really fucked him up. He wouldn't talk to me about it.

Now we are caught up just about. Rick has become sane once again. He's brought in a few people. One being the bane of my existence, Maddie Plater. I call her Little Miss Pinky Plastic. She keeps hitting on Carl and taking him away from me when we are hanging out and Ive barely seen him. Its really annoying and makes me mad. I don't know why...

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