1. drunk + smartass = mistakes

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~ Skylar's POV ~

I cry in my cell, a bottle of Tellamore Dew Whiskey in my left hand my right hand wiping my eyes. In the last half hour, I get my best friend taken from me, told I couldn't hang out with the other teenagers, and my best friend didn't even put up a fight to ask if I could go or hang back with me and not hang out with them...

~ 30 minutes ago ~

I giggle at Carl, he knows how to make anything fun, including killing walkers through the fence. That's exactly what we are doing, we are making it into a small game. 'Who can kill the most amount of walkers in 1 minute using the same weapon' I pout my lip "dear lord, I get you are a guy with muscles which makes you strong but you shouldn't win every time" I cross my arms, Carl laughs "sorry!" He then smirks "you look at muscles?" he asks being cocky and I roll my eyes "wow Carl thats what you take from what I said?" I shake my head and he laughs "sorry!!" He chuckles softly, looks past me, and waves "hey Maddie" He smiles softly and looks back at me.

 I sigh hearing the name that comes out of his mouth. I don't like Maddie and I haven't since she got here. All she does is stalk Carl and take him away from me. Carl and I always spent all of our time together and she comes along and we barely hang out. I mean we share a cell and everything, which I know she's jealous of, but me and him are best friends and she's just looking for a guy.

I turn around and look at her and I fake smile "hi Maddie " Sarcasm lacing my voice. She gives me  a glare with her arms crossed and smiles happily at Carl "so Carl, Me, Jenny, Ray, and Beth are playing Truth or Dare, Never have I Ever, wanna join?" she asks walking over to him pushing past me. Jenny and Ray are dating they came here together and they are I think 17 or 18? Im not sure I don't talk to them. Carl shrugs "um I don't know-" he's cut off by her "Oh come on Carl. It would be so much fun if you were there" She puts her hands on his arm, feeling his muscles causing me to roll my eyes. "Carl I thought we were hanging out?" I ask softly "You can come-" He is once again cut off "sorry only 5 people are allowed! You can't come" she says snarky and links her arms with his. I sigh as she drags Carl through the gates, him not saying a word to me and Maddie talking to him. I keep my back to them as I sit down int he gravel and look at the walkers. 

I thought in the zombie apocalypse bullying wouldn't be a thing but I guess I was wrong, its just as bad as before the world died. Nobody here knows my past and I would like to keep it that way. Once I know they are gone I start crying, my best friend basically ditched me, I got excluded from their group - not that I wanted to hang with them anyway, and Carl didn't even try to stay with me. Maybe i shouldn't be in a group or around people at all...


After all that happened I found myself some Whiskey, drank the equivalent of 6 shots, slowly tho cause Im not trying to die of alcohol poisoning, and made my way back to my cell. All the teens are in Cell block D, 1 block over from all of the main part of the group the trusted group. That's Rick, Carl, Maggie, Beth, Me, Hershel, Glenn, Daryl, Carol, and Little Ass Kicker/Judith. Everyone else is in Cell block D. 

I stand up finding my self dizzy and wobbling. I stumble through the halls looking for Maddie. I dont understand why Im so wobbly, I dont think Im drunk (oh yes I am). I finally have the courage to stand up to Maddie and tell her how I feel. 

I look around for her and find her on her way back from the bathroom. I grab her wrist and pull her aside. "Alright listen up Little Miss Pinky Plastic. Stay away from Carl, he's my best friend, and I'll be damned if you take him away from me. If you continue to hit on him you will wake up one day in the middle of a hoard of walkers where no one can save you" I growls and slurs, taking a sip of the whiskey thats in her hand.

Maddie's eyes wide she nods quickly, her body shaking. "i-is someone jealous?" she asks clearly trying to make herself seem less scared than she is. I growl "No!! Im not jealous!! now beat it Pinky Plastic!" I growl my breath reeking of alcohol. She runs to her cell not to the one where all the teens were. They weren't in any specific one, they were in the one that they turned into their little hang out. 

As I walked not having any specific destination I started think and hearing her words "is someone jealous?" I think about it 'Im not Jealous!! Am I?' I think to myself. I can't be, I don't have romantic feelings for Carl 'do I?' I start question myself  on my feelings towards my best friend..

Thank you so much for reading this! I know it probably sucks but Im trying! please comment some feed back if you have any!

Love, Beautiful_Mxss! 

'I'm not jealous!! Am I?'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang