All about trust

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Jonahs POV
I keep telling myself not to make a move on Lycia but I can't help but do that! I have feelings towards her! I know it's wrong to like her because she's dating jack but it's hard not to like her she's the most amazing person I've ever met!! I just can't believe she chose jack! One day she's going to be mine, I am going to make jack pay, I have told him that I liked her and he respected it and said he'd back off yet he didn't now I'm pissed so he will regret it one day!

Zachs POV
Dude I'm telling you I overheard Jonah talking and he's going to do something to jack! I yell to Daniel. Bro are you sure that's what he said? Daniel asks. Yes dude I'm positive he was talking to someone on the phone he seemed pretty upset we have to warn jack about it and Lycia I don't want them getting hurt. Lycia is like my sister and jacks my best friend I can't have them getting hurt.

Jacks POV
So I was just laying down with Lycia because she fell asleep during this movie we were watching so I was just on my phone scrolling through Instagram liking pics from fans and following a few. Then zach and Daniel come bursting through the door slamming it then locking it. •skip through convo• so Lycia was awake when she heard the boys tell me this and I'm scared because I've never ever seen Jonah act this way before and he never told me that he had liked Lycia, but I've always had a thing for her ever since I met her, but Danny is pissed rn bc he doesn't want her sister hurt by his bestfriend, and I don't want anything happening to my girl or myself, or anyone else in this house. I'm just so confused on why Jonah is acting this way. Could he be talking to Justin? If he is shits about to go down to hell! And it's gonna end up very bad.

Lycia's POV
When zach and Danny were telling me and jack what Jonah was saying on the phone to this person all I could think about was it was Justin he was talking to because Justin said that one day he would get his revenge, but I honestly thought Jonah was my friend he acted like my brother so I don't get why he's saying he liked me first I always liked jack and I would've went to jack no matter what, everyone knows this, I liked him even before i met him because Daniel would always talk to him or show me pics of him. So Jonah is so crazy right now and he's getting brain washed by my crazy ass ex boyfriend. Ugh I don't know who I can trust anymore, I'm always scared and I have to hide it from the boys because they are paranoid when it comes to me. I hate it!! I wish they would just leave me alone sometimes.

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