Christmas Day

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Lycias pov      WAKE UP JACK!!!!!!!! I scream into his ear because it is christmas i am so excited. I am mostly excited because i get to spend it with my lovely boyfriend and my amazing brother Daniel, speaking of him i should probably wake him up with the present i got him. *In daniels room*  L ~ hey daniel merry christmas i love you and i just wanted to tell you that you are the best brother ever and you mean the world to me, sooo with that being said here is your gift... D~ *opens gift* OH MY GOSH, lycia thank you so much for this.  L~ you're welcome Dan now lets get the other boys up and celebrate! *out of daniels room* Okay so i just gave danny his gift and he really loved it and i am so happy because it was all of his favorite things, i gave him some candy and a really nice green beanie, its exactly like the the one he already has but it got stolen when we where on tour so i thought that i should buy him another one i also got him some new clothes. im pretty sure i got him the most things out of everybody else. But anyways its time to eat breakfast now, which i already cooked so i just have to get the boys up. 

Corbyns pov     So i know that it is christmas but i am pretty sad because Christina isnt with us to celebrate, i really miss her and so does lycia.. I think to myself but that gets rudely interupted when i smell bacon and pancakes and waffles and gingerbread, well and anyother food that lycia has cooked. So i run down stairs and run into the kitchen and have a seat next to zach and daniel, and on the opposite side of the island is jack, jonah and lycia. i feel bad because jonah really likes lycia but shes dating jack. I really ship jack and lycia tho they are so cute together and she honestly just helps us with everything shes basically our mom well except for jack and because their dating and well daniel too since they are siblings, i just hope that Jonah doesnt ruin their relationship because that might break the band up and i do not want that to happen because i love all these boys like they are my brothers so jonah just needs to keep his cool and let lycia date who ever she wants. 

Jacks pov     So we all just got done eating the amazing breakfast that my amazing girlfriend cooked and now we are making our way to the living room where the tree is with all the gifts, we all got eachother gifts and then we did a secret santa and we open those ones last. *cool time skip* Everybody opened the gifts they got and when Lycia opened mine she cried and it was so cute because she got super happy and squeled like a little puppy, i got her this promise ring that matches the neckalce i got her on our third anniversy i also got her clothes and tons of makeup so she was pretty happy with what i got her, which made me super happy. But now we are just on the couch getting all of the best christmas movies together so we can watch them and have a chill day.  * Another cool time skip*  So the first movie we are watching is the nightmare before christmas, daniel says that this movie is his and lycias childhood and its so cute. So its me, lycia, corbyn and daniel on the big couch and on the little couch is zach and jonah.  

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