CHAPTER ONE: The Bookstore

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Long before Time came into the universe, everything was just a vast, endless sea of energy and matter. There was no definition and no finality in the universe. Then came the one fateful moment that set everything in place, Time was born from the flurry of chaos. The universe gained the one thing it needed the most, direction. Time moved existence forward.

The universe began to move about, forming elements. Time, though powerful and knowing, had no idea how to shape the universe. He mustered all his strength and power to form two deities from his being. Life and Death stood at his side. Life sailed through space bringing living things to various worlds. Death was by Life’s side waiting for the right moment when these living things overstayed their welcome and take them for his own.

Even with this new balance of Life and Death, chaos still reigned in the universe. Time, Life, and Death convened and created a fourth deity. Destiny became the master of everything that transpires in the universe. Time fashioned four instruments that would help them gain control of the universe. An hourglass, a staff, a scythe, and a quill were made for each of the appropriate deities. Time used the hourglass to watch over how quickly or slowly he passes. Life used the staff to bring existence to any barren land. Death used the scythe to take the souls of old living things. Destiny wrote into the air with the quill, mapping out all events.

All of existence moved forward, but one world took the interest of all four deities. Life spawned humanity on one of the worlds. Destiny favored this existence and put most of his focus on this one planet. The four controlling beings waited for the lowly planet they called Earth. Life and Time let the growing human race to develop into a thriving race. Destiny noticed that among all the worlds he watched over, the Earth was able to develop early forms of written language. This pleased Destiny greatly. He made himself a human form and roamed the planet. His special quill was nearly powerless and Destiny could not record life as it went on.

The human civilization began to –

“Devon, get your head out of that book. We should get going.”

He looked up and saw his older sister, Cassie, standing in front of him.

“Do I really have to go with you to the bookstore, Cass? I just started with it.”

“Yes, now put our secret history book away and get your butt up and out.”

“Give me one good reason.”


“Forget it, let’s go.”

“Thanks, baby brother.”

“Yeah, whatever Cassie, hurry up.”

They walked into the bookstore and Cassie zoomed off to some random corner. Devon sighed and walked to one of his favorite parts of any bookstore, the fiction section. He was completely enthralled with the various plots and mysteries any book may hold within their pages.

"Where'd you go? I might... you know."

"Cassie, relax. I highly doubt it'll happen here."

“What makes you say that?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling and I’m sure Dad said something about that.”

He sighed and shook his head with the knowledge that his sister was still far from attaining what she has been dreaming about since they discovered their family had a legacy, something immensely unique. All they found out was that their family was different, but they did not know how different. They only grazed the surface of what their family was capable of doing. What was unknown to his sister was that, according to their parents, he had already uncovered his legacy, but he was still at an immature age to fully realize or use it. Their parents were unsure whether to tell Cassie that there were high chances she would not receive the legacy.

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