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He closed his eyes and as childish as it was, he made a wish. He wished for a sign if choosing to accept his legacy as a Quill Guard was the right thing to do. The candles went out in a single blow and everyone applauded. A shrill ring came from his phone. Luckily, the room was semi-soundproof, so he heard it.


“Dev, is that you?”

“Cassie, what’s wrong?”

“They’re here. They’re attacking. I don’t know what to do?” Dev shot up from the couch. Mila and the rest were giving him worried looks. His hands began to tremble.

“Where are you?”

“Hotel room bathroom, you’ll… you’ll know exactly where to go. Hurry…” The line went dead. Dev tried calling, but it went straight to her voicemail.

“Guys, my sister needs me. Something’s wrong at the bridal shower. I think she hurt herself,” Dev said as he scrambled to check if he had his keys.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Milana asked.

“I think I’ll be fine going alone.” He had no way of explaining what was going on. “Do you want me to bring you home first?”

“No, it’s fine. I can take a cab home,” she said, smiling, but her face was etched with worry. The rest of them stood there, not sure what to say, until Angel stepped forward.

“Dev, honey, don’t worry about Milana. She’s safe here and we’ll make sure she gets home safe. We’ll continue the party after everything is okay with Cassie.”

“I’m really sorry about cutting my party short.”

“Go ahead, make sure Cassie’s okay. We’ll save you some cake.” Everyone nodded.

“Thanks Marco,” Dev said, walking out.

“Are you sure none of us should go with you?” Carlos shouted.

“I’ll be fine,” he shouted back. He closed the door to the V.I.P. room. Everyone around him was wearing a black cloak. They were hooded, but still dancing. Devon did not know if he was seeing things or a weird gimmick Carlos set up. He pushed his way through the crowds and made sure no one tried to do anything suspicious. He passed by Jimmy who was worried about why he was leaving so early.

“Cassie, you better be okay. Dad is going to kill us,” he muttered as he jumped into his car. He fumbled as he started his car. Looking out at the road, he saw black-hooded figures slowly making their way towards him. He sped off towards the hotel, not wanting to wait for those figures to catch up to him.

He reached the hotel in record time and without catching the attention of any patrol cars. Something was obviously wrong with the hotel. There were black angry letters and words moving on the cream walls of the hotel. The lights flickered and the weather was colder in that particular area. Dark clouds hovered over the hotel. In a flash of lightning, hooded figures surrounded his car. He did not know what to do. Black letters and symbols began to cover the glass on his car. Cracks began to form on the glass and the car was slowly starting to compress.

The fountain pen hanging on his neck began to glow through his shirt. He pulled it out and felt the strong energy surround him. “Devon, the time has come.” He heard his grandfather’s voice echo in his mind.

His eyes were forced closed as the glowing became even brighter. The light was gone and Devon found a brown cloak over his body. It was lined with the different letters, symbols known, and unknown to the world written in gold thread. James’ fountain pen hung limply around his neck. There was another fountain pen in his hand. It was thinner and modern looking than his grandfather’s quill. The pen appeared to be made of pure gold. Before his eyes, the pen formed into a feather quill, then a traditional calligraphy pen, a modern ball pen, and back to the fountain pen.

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